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Len's POV
Near the end of sixth period, Oliver c me up to talk.

"So, what do you-u have next?" Oliver stammered, "I-I have math."

"I have lunch" I answered back, collecting my things, "But what about your last class?"

"I have a class called Project Diva" Oliver uttered, pushing his blond hair back.

"Me too!" I said, standing up, while fixing my yellow tie, "Sit next to me!"

"Okay, I will!" Oliver chirped, smiling.

You know what happens then, the stupid, annoying bell rings, and I left the classroom. I say my farewell to Oliver, (for now) and went to my locker to put my things away. I get my lunch, and swiftly walked downstairs to the cafeteria, I went inside, looking for people I know. Sadly, no one I know is here, I walked towards the back, and found a spot near a water fountain. I began to eat, looking down at my phone, but suddenly, I felt a chill run down my spine. I looked up from my phone, seeing a tall, blue headed boy staring at me, but he quickly looked away. I brushed it off, and continued to browse my phone. Though, I still feel that someone is staring at me, in which I peeked from my phone, spotting the same boy with his eyes on me. I ignore it, and continued to eat my lunch. Eventually, I became paranoid, and decided to go up to him. As I was walking towards him, the blue headed boy stood up, and ran towards the doors. Curious about on why he kept looking at me, I decided to follow him. The blue headed boy bolted up the main staircase, and took a sharp turn. Running behind him, and almost falling on the stairs, somehow I was able to keep up. I spotted the tall boy closing his locker, and walking off. I quickly walked to the boy, and pulled him his long, blue, scarf. He turned around, looking down to see me, holding onto his scarf.

"Uh, can we talk?" I asked, pulling his scarf closer to me to he can hear.


Kaito's POV
Fifth period finally ended as the bell rang. I quickly made it to sixth period, hoping to see Len, but he wasn't there. I go to a random seat, and take out my notebook which barely has anything in it. Man, this school day has been dragging on, cause filler. The class begins, I try to take notes, and then day dreamed like every other class. A fear like forty-ish minutes later, class ends, with the bell ringing. Realizing that I have lunch seventh, (which was around one in the afternoon) I go towards my locker to store my things away, and grabbed my lunch. After closing my locker, I made my way down to the cafeteria. I don't know anyone in seventh period lunch, so I don't really know where to sit. When I entered the cafeteria, I see him, I see Len sitting near the water fountain in the back, all alone. My mouth dropped. I couldn't believe it! After a whole day, I finally found Len! What do I do? Should I sit go up and introduce myself? What do I do! After standing there for like two minutes, I decided to sit slightly across from Len, near the other water fountain. I don't eat my lunch since I'm memorized by Len, with his cute face, and short height, I just stared at him for a while until Len looked up. Fuck! I quickly look away, hoping that Len will just go back looking at his phone. For some reason, I kept looking up him, but Len didn't seem to mind for while until he got fed up. Len got up, and began to walk to my direction. Not wanting to come confront Len yet, I quickly got up, and dashed towards the nearest doors. I went through the doors, and ran up the stairs, took the nearest turn, and made my way to my locker since seventh period was about to end.

"I've lost him, good" I exhaled out, catching my breath, "Well, I guess I blew my chance to meet him."

I opened my locker to store the lunch that I didn't eat, and getting my this for eighth period. Just when I was closing my locker, and making my way to eighth, I felt a tugged for my long blue scarf. I turned around, and saw Len, grabbing my scarf.

"Uh, can we talk?" Len asks me, pulling my scarf down closer to him. Oh shit.

Eyy, I'm back with a new chapter! Yay, Kaito and Len FINALLY meet!!I really hoped you enjoyed and thank you for reading this! :D ~S.P.

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