Opening Up

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Len's POV
After forty minutes, first period ended. I got up from my seat, and getting out the classroom. I say my goodbyes to Fukase, who goes the other way from were I'm heading. Rin follows me, walking to the next class since she says I'll get lost. I pull out my schedule, looking for my next class.

"What do you have next?" Rin asks me, examining the paper.

"I have biology" I respond, putting my schedule away.

"Lucky,  I have P.E. next" she complained, taking a different route than me, "It's too early for running outside!"

"Break a leg" I advised, giving her a smack as we parted ways.

*Sighs* " I guess I'm all alone, until eighth period, we don't even have lunch together! I sword under my breath.

I made my way to second period, which was on the other  side of the Earth. Barely making it to biology, I rushed towards the back, and ended up sitting behind some girls. Class soon started, but throughnout the class, they kept looking back at me. At the end of class, they all turned around to face me. A girl with long, teal, twin tails started a conversation with me. Oh Shit.

"Hi there! I'm Hatsune Miku!" the teal girl introduced herslef,  giving me a smile, "But people call me Miku."

"Hello, I-I'm L-Len K-Kagamine" I hesitated, trying to control my anxiety, "And I go by Len."

"Sup Len, I'm Gummi Megpiod!" a girl with short green hair greeted.

"I'm Megurine Luka"  Luka presented herself with her hands around Miku, who was tall with long, pink hair.

"And I'm Meiko!" the last one said, who had short, brown hair.

"You're so cute Len!" Miku pipped, stretching my cheeks.

"Ow! Don't do that!" I yelped, removing her hands off my face.

"Miku's right for once in her life, YOU'RE ADORABLE Luka, Gummi, and Meiko squealed in unison.

My mouth opened but nothing came out. I was blushing lightly, since no one called me cute before, or talked to me in general. I'm still getting used of meeting new people, but it's overwhelming being the center of attention.

"Can we call you Len-Kun?" Luka asked me, pulling my ponytail.

"Please, it fits you so well!" Gummi pleaded, with her eyes shinigng.

"Fine, whatever, I don't care" I agreed, removing Luka's hand off my hair and rolling my eyes.

"Len-Kun!" Miku said, in a high pitched voice, almost making my ears break

The bell finally ranged, making all of us standing up, and leaving the class. The girls squealed, so I turn around, and end up getting my picture taken by Miku. Great.

"Bye Len-Kun!" Meiko said, waving her hand, and walked away with Luka

"Smell you later" Gummi uttered, already leaving the other way.

"Later Len-Kun!" Miku said, putting her phone away," Also, watch out for fan girls and boys!"

"Huh?" I waved, looking confused, "Fan girls?"

I turn around to see about  fifty fan girls and boys looking at me with killing eyes. I slowly walked away, and went to my next class. I sat down, but no one really talked to me. The same scenario happened to me for the next two classes, but whenever I walk to my next classl Miku's fan girls keep staring at me and have been giving me angry looks. I was really hoping to see someone I knew like Fukase, Gummi, Luka, Meiko, or even Miku. I came in to sixth period, heading for the back, but all the seats were taking, leaving me sitting in the front. I glanced behind me, and saw the same, little boy with the sailor hat that was at the bus stop. He was looking down, head on the desk. Deciding to loosen up, I chatted with him.

"Howdy, I'm Len Kagamine" I greeted, turning around to see him, "You can call me Len though."

"W-W-e-l-l, I-I-I'm Oliver, nice to you-u" he stammered, shoring his head up while shaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked him worriedly. I  noticed that Oliver has an eyepatch on his right eye.

"I'm just a nervous wrecked" Oliver responded, fixing his sailor hat.

"Are you part of this program that allows you to attend here?" I questioned him, "You seem young."

"Ye-e-s," he replied, "I'm twelve, and how do you know about the program?"

"Uh, I met this other kid who's in it" responding to him easily, without sounding suspiciously.

"Really? You did!" Oliver answered excitedly as his eyes widened, but then said "I mean, that's cool."

Before I could say anything else, the fucking bell rings, making me to turn around, and ended my conversation with Oliver. Oliver was humming quietly the whole class. It was a nice, calm tune. Never thought I'd say this, but looks like I'm finally making friends, how did this happen?

I'm back with a new chapter! And damn, forty-eight views?! I never expected for people to read this! Thank you so much!!! <3 Hope you all enjoyed!          ~S.P.

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