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After being bombarded with homework, for the past five weeks, and been hanging out with Kaito 24/7, I believe that I'm falling for him, figuratively and literally as I trip over his long as scarf from time to time.

I mean, Kaito is just tall, calm, positive, outgoing, not to mention he's quite hot. Fuck, don't think like that, Len! Ugh, I shouldn't have read those Yaoi Manga I somehow manage to get my hands on. Probably the reason that turned me gay, thanks "fangirl," or was I gay all this time? Wonder if I even have a chance with him. He's probably straight as a ruler, why would he be interested in me? I'm like the exact opposite of him, I'm short, nervous, pessimistic, introverted, why would he ever be interested in me? I'm the unluckiest person in the world.

"Something wrong, Len-Kun?" Kaito asks me, bringing back to reality, "You look down."

"No, I'm just fine" I reply, looking down while I twiddle my fingers, "Just remembered that I have tons of homework."

"Okay then, let's work together!" Kaito says, as he grabs my hand, dragging me.

We were walking home from school, but it was only me and Kaito. Rin was with Miku and Luka at this concert with singing holograms! Anyways, as Kaito held my hand, I feel my heart beating fast, as my cheeks started to heat up. I decided to look down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. These thoughts and feelings are really getting to me, but didn't feel like talking about it, especially to Kaito! The whole walk home was quite today, we usually ramble on an out things but I'm not feeling so good.
Kaito's POV
Man, these pass few weeks have been great! Why? Since I got to spend it with Len-Kun! I just adore his short height, cute face, shy but feisty personality, and his nice ass! (I'm such a pervert) But today, Len-Kun seems down, we aren't ranting about random topics, which makes me really worried.

When we arrived at the house, and started our homework, I noticed quickly that Len-Kun wasn't doing his work, but staring off to space. He looked depressed, which was making me mad, no more patient Kaito.

"Len-Kun, there's something wrong" I utter, standing up quickly as Len-Kun only looks up.

"It's nothing" Len mumbles, crossing his arms.

"Don't give me that bullshit!" I growl, grabbing Len-Kun's collar to bring him closer to me, "What's going on!"

"Nothing! Okay!" Len responds, slipping out of my grasp, running up the stairs up to his room.

I ran after him, to his room. The door was close, but I busted through, almost breaking the knob.

"LEN-KUN! JUST TELL ME ON WHAT'S GOING ON!" I demand, punching my fist to the wall.

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Len tells back, sitting on his bed "JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"

"Please, leave me alone..." Len whimpers, as he starts to cry. He pulls a nearby pillow, and sobs on it.

After realizing I'm what's going on, I suddenly felt rea.y bad about it. I just lashed out on my precious Len-Kun. I'm a monster.

"Alright, if that what you want, then" I sigh, starting to walk out of his room, "Sorry, for lashing out on you, I'm was just worried about you."

Len-Kun continued to sobs on the pillow, ignoring me. I really wanted to comfort him, to hug him and tell him everything's okay, but he wants to be left alone. Maybe Len-Kun isn't interested in me, he doesn't notice the things I try do, like helping him.

Oh Len-Kun, will you ever notice?

Len's POV

I fucking blew it, Kaito probably thinks I'm an emotional wreck, there goes my chance. I look up a bit, seeing Kaito walking out and quickly thought of something to keep him by me.

"Uh, Kaito-Kun" I croak, managing to get it out, "Can you, hug me?"

Kaito looks confused, but then smiled, as he sits on my bed, and brings me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. Kaito also pulls my head onto his chest, and with his other hand, he ruffles my hair. We both sat there like that in silence, and it made me feel a lot better.

Another chapter at like three in the morning!(I need to sleep) Man, Kaito and Len are at it, again. ANYWAYS, as usual, thankkkkk youuuuuuuuuuu so very much for reading this! Hope you enjoyed! I'm off to SAVE the world now... ~S.P.

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