Erase or Zero

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It has a week after the fight that me and Kaito-Kun had. I've been avoiding him ever since.  I regretted not talking to him about how I feel about him, but I coward out, like the pussy I am. Now, I don't even talk to Miku, Luka, Gumi, Meiko, Gakupo, Oliver, Fukase, or even with Rin anymore. I isolated myself from everyone. I'm just extremely confused, and bottling up my emotions which are waiting to explode.

I was sitting outside of the school during  lunch, on a bench near a tree. In the distance, I can see Miku and Luka cuddling; they probably skipped class to see each other, looking very happy though. Why can't I have that way with Kaito-Kun? In just being happy with each other. There has been so many new holes our friendship, that it's breaking apart.

" Kaito-Kun is done with is so done with me" I sigh, resting my check on my hand, "He's moved on."

"You know Len, it isn't like that" a voice says.

I look around frantically, trying to find where the voice is coming from. It was coming from above? I looked up the tree, seeing "fangirl" on a branch with a camera.

"Huh? What are you doing?" I ask, annoyed, thinking that she was taking pictures of me.

"Well, as President of the Yaoi and Yuri Club, I have to keep my homies happy" Fangirl says proudly, "You got to do what you have to do."

"Okay then" I mumble, ignoring  her and back to my thoughts, "I wonder why Kaito ever spoke to me in the first place."

"Why not, I don't think know, ask Kaito about it?" she suggests, looking at some photos she had with her, "Not to mention, you and Kaito has become a popular ship here."

"Stop messing with me, it's not" I groan, getting a bit flustered, "Kaito doesn't think of me like that."

"You're really are blind" Fangirl scoffs, glaring down at me, "Open your goddamn eyes for once."

"What do you mean?" I respond, starting to get angry, "You aren't making any fucking sense!"

"Can't you fucking see the things that Kaito does?" she hollers, "He tries his best to keep you happy, AND has been hinting something towards you! Even I can see it!"

After hearing that, my common sense came back to me. I see now. Kaito-Kun has been hinting things towards me, like how he hung out with me, asking me in how I'm feeling, and the physical contacts we had. Fangirl was right, Kaito-Kun truly does care for me, and I was too blind to see his actions.

"Oh, now I get it..." I mumble, standing up, "Kaito-Kun does show compassion towards me, and I messed it all up, what am I going to do!"

"I got something, but you have to be willing to fight for him" Fangirl 

"Erase or zero, Len" Fangirl utters, holding up her camera towards Luka and Miku who were now making out, "Erase or zero."

Len can be a bigger idiot than me, how does that happen?
Okay, I'll stop with the very early chapters. Like always, thank you for reading this, and hoped you enjoy!
Can we also appreciate the song "Erase or Zero" it's freaking good as hell!
I'm done for this week, so, see y'all next week! (^○^) ~S.P.

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