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"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" I hear a girl say as she let's go of my backpack.

I turn around to see the girl with the flower shirt from, before. (If you remember) We were hidden behind some bushes as I could people. I don't see Rin behind me, just the girl.

"Why did you pull me over?!" I groaned, crossing my arms, "And sorry but earlier."

"Don't mention it? So sorry! It's just that, I'm your biggest fan, Len!" the girl squeals, we flapping her arms wildly, "And this is the only time that I could see you again!"

"Uh, wh-at?" I asked, confused on what's going on, "How do you know my name, and biggest fan?"

"Oh yeah, your new here. Okay,  a little lesson about this school,  people, typically those who are in Project Diva, can have a fan base who like or admires that person or singer" the girl explains as she paces around, "Fans can get quite agitated if they see something they don't like that includes their singer, or squeal in delight if they like what they are seeing."

I dozed off during the middle, and came back to reality as she pulls my little ponytail.

"Oh, what again?" I murmured, wanting to leave.

"In short terms, you can have fans here! Also, some can be crazy than others" the girls adds in, "But the craziest one out of all is me! I know my shit and that's how I know your name!"

A creepy, red smile appeared on her face, as a chill shivered down my spine from experiencing it.

"Nice meeting you? I have to go now" I hesitated, slowly backing off.

"Wait! There so much things I want to talk about with you!!" the girl says, holding out her hand.

I began to run through the bush, onto the sidewalk, avoiding everyone walking, trying to get way from this so called fan. I keep on running and bump into Kaito.

"Help! Please!" I say stopping before hi , catching my breath.
Kaito's POV
I see a running Len coming my way, and stopping before me, asking for help, which gave me butterflies in my stomach.
"Len-Kun! What's wrong?" I ask worridly, going up to him.

"Fan, girl!" Len-Kun managed to breathe out.

Impulsively, I put my arm go around Len, bringing him closer to me, very protectively. I was lightly blushing for moment but it went away when I heard high, pitch, squeals, and seeing flashes from a camera. It's was the very extreme fan girl that I have been hearing about, oh boy.

"What do you want now, the very extreme fangirl?" I groan, holding me closer, jeez.

"Oh, so sorry! I just got carried away, as usual!" the fangirl apologizes, still taking pictures, "I'll leave then! Thanks for the shipping fuel!!!" Fangirl dashes off into the distance in a blink of an eye.

 "Can you let go of me?" Len-Kun politely asked, pulling away from the embrace.

"Oh yeah, sorry" I say, letting go of him, blushing once more.
Len's Pov(Again)
"What was that about?" Rin questions, walking up to us with the others.

"I have no idea to be honest" I replied, breathing out again.

"Well, whatever, how about we go to the park!" Miku pops into the conversation.

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Meiko, Gumi, and Luka say in unison.

Kaito and Gakupo just nodded, and I look over at Rin, trying to read her mind, cause twins.

"Fine, we will go too" I sigh, touching my knees.

"Okay! Let's go!" Miku yells, walking already, "Jump on me, Luka!"

Luka stiffens a bit, but happily agrees as catches up to Miku, and proceeds to hop onto Miku. Gumi does the same, by jumping into Meiko's back. I notice some flashes coming the bushes, ad then seeing part of a floral shirt. Looks like "fangirl" has come to get more shipping fuel. Gakupo shots a glance at Rin, wanting  to carry her, but  you the way  Rin gave him her cold stare, it's was a definite no.

"Would you like me to carry you, Len-Kun?" Kaito asks nervously.

"Never in hell" I retort, really not wanting to feel uncomfortable again, "Sorry Kaito."

"It's okay" he murmurs, looking bummed out.

Despite that, Kaito still tried to hold my hand, which I swatted away, murmuring the lines of PK firing his bitch-ass if he tried anything else.

We were all walking, with the girls upfront while we were in the the back. Both Gakupo and Kaito suddenly became emos for the rest of the walk, I kind felt bad, at least for Kaito. I'm not really sure what's gotten into me now, but I feel uncomfortable whenever I with Kaito. I just don't know why, but I want to be left alone with my emotions.

That's all folks! Crazy fangirls, and slightly more shipping fuel? Anyways, I hoped that you all enjoyed! Tha know you for sticking around!     -(>~<)-                               ~S.P.

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