Short & Sweet

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Len's POV
After taking forever, we made it to the park with our stuff. No one else was there at the park, only us. Everyone breaks off into pairs of two. Gumi and Meiko went under a tree to "sleep", Miku was chasing Luka on the playground, while Rin was on the swing, with Gakupo next to her. Well, I'm obviously stuck with Kaito on the bench together. Woo, lucky me. We both sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, not sure how to start a conversation. Before I was about to walk over to Rin, Kaito spoke up. I decided to stay since I didn't want to be rude.

"So, what do you like to do?" Kaito asks me, while he tugs his scarf.

"I like to sing and dance, I guess?" I answer, liking straight ahead.

"Me too" Kaito simply responded, "Guess that's one thing we have in common."

"Yeah, looks like it" I uttered.


"Also, thanks for what happened earlier, I appreciate it, Kaito" I murmur, looking at him.

"Oh, no problem!" he says nervously, waving his right hand, "It's fine! You didn't know what to do when you encounter a fan!"

"That's true, I'm still new to the school" I sigh, putting my hands in my face" I have lots to learn but, will you help me with things, Kaito?"
Kaito's POV
I started a conversation with Len-Kun, and he still gives me the nerves. I try to act normal as possible, but it goes down hill as he starts to get to me.

"Yeah! Of course I'll help you!" I chirp, trying my best not to explode.

"Alright then, I'm just nervous, that's all" Len-Kun utters, looking back at me again.

"Don't be nervous! You'll get into the flow of high school soon" I explain, patting his back, "It's only in the matter of time."

"Well, thanks for the advice, Kaito!" Len-Kun replies, smiling for once.

Len-Kun's smile made my heart melt, it was adorable!

"You're a cool guy, I like you" Len-Kun calmly says, looking away, "As a friend."

Damn it! I got my hopes up! Well, at least me and Len-Kun will become friends! I'll take that any day!

"Thanks, Len-Kun!" I blurt out loud. I get a few stares from Meiko and Gumi from their tree. Maybe I interrupted their little cuddle session, oops.

"I thought you were weird at first, but I'm no different!" Len-Kun laughs shoving my arm. I laugh along with him, agreeing on what he said!

Len-Kun then goes into his backpack, pulls out a yellow banana, and begins to eat it.

"So, you like bananas?"

"Yes, bananas are my favorite, they are sweet and delicious, why you asking?"

"Just curious, that's all"

We spent the whole day talking about random things and bits of our personal life. I got to know more about Len-Kun, and how his parents are away, busy with their job like mine. It was a heartwarming conversation we had. The others stuck together as well, including Rin-Chan who somehow manage to tolerate Gakupo's antics. Around dusk, we all went back, walking and talking the whole way. Couple of hours pass by, as the rest went back to their homes. I stick with Len-Kun, not wanting him to get lost or hurt, or something like that. I'm so wierd! Before he leaves to his house along with Rin-Chan, I asked him a question.
Len's POV
After taking the whole day with Kaiot, all of us went back to our homes and by the time I got home, Kaito still hasn't left. As me and Rin made our way to our home, I hear Kaito asking me a question.

"Len-Kun, can I have your number!" Kaito asks me.

"Uh, sure, here, let me write it down" I respond, surprise that I actually agree to give my number to Kaito. I pull out a small piece of paper and wrote down my number, then pass the paper to him.

"Thanks Len-Kun!" Kaito squeals, embracing me.

"No problem" I murmur, looking at Rin who was smirking. I politely pulled away from the hug, and manage to catch the frown on Kaito's face, poor thing. I mean, fuck! Why did I think that! Uhhhhhh...

"See you tomorrow, Len-Kun and Rin-Chan!" Kaito says, waving at us, "I'll text you later Len-Kun!"

After Kaito left, me and Rin enter our home, and prepared to sleep fter a long day. Glad we did the have homework today, but we'll probably get a ton sooner or later. Also, I may have regretted giving my number to Kaito since he WON'T STOP TEXTING ME! AS I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! Then, Rin pokes her head in my room, and held her phone up which had a lot of messages, probably from Gakupo

"Don't worry, I'm also suffering" Rin groans, as she closes the door, "And I ship you and Kaito."

"WHAT?!" I yell, feeling a bit flustered, but Rin left. Man, how do she get to that conclusion! Me and Kaito! Not in a million years would that happen. I'm not into boys, I think. I mean, I jump want sleep! I text Kaito goodnight and turned off my phone, went under the covers, and slept real quick for once. Though, I ended dreaming about Kaito, why!

Woo, another chapter! With more interactions between Len and Kaito! Also, I'd like to thank and shout out the people who either added my story to their reading list or has voted for this story! Specifically,ScarletRed14, fandomsperson666, Alexiel_Lucifen, WlwlHyl, MusicSavesTheSoul, and last, but least, uchiha_sumire20065! <3 Thanks for adding this story, or voting on it! I really appreciate it! As always, I hoped you enjoyed reading this story! Have a nice day or night! ~S.P.

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