That Boy

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Kaito's POV
I was walking to my first period class, when suddenly a someone bumped into me, making me dropped my notebook. I peered down, seeing a short, blond haired boy.

"Uh, sorry" he apologized, as he picked my notebook, handing it to me, meeting his gaze.

I see his beautiful, blue sky eyes, and his adorable little face. My heart nearly jumped out of chest. This boy is just so cute!

"It's alright" I responded, trying my best to not stutter. I grabbed my notebook, feeling his soft hands, nearly making me jump. reason. Then, I pat his head, giving him my best smile, and left.

Turning around the corner, I breathed out, wiping the sweat of my forehead.

What the fuck did I just do? I'm really hoping that boy doesn't think I'm a weirdo, but he has such lovely skin. What?! Never mind that. I kept walking my way to first period, still with a smile on face, trying not to faint. Eventually, I made it first period, and took a look around, seeing if the blond boy was here. Sadly, he was not. Disappointed, I made my way to the far, left corner, taking an empty desk, sitting down, and just stared down. I really want to see that boy again, I just can't stop thinking about him, his vibe just makes me comfortable. Suddenly, my friend Gakupo comes in and sits in front of me. He turns around to face me, and we start mingling.

"How's the ice-cream lover?" Gakupo teased, as he punched me lightly.

"Good, eggplant! What about you?" I joked back, pulling his long, purple, ponytail.

"Ah you know, trying to pick up hot chicks" he responded, winking at some nearby girls who giggled at the comment.

"You haven't changed one bit" I said, rolling my eyes.

The bell rings, as the teacher comes, and immediately starts talking.

"Talk to you later" Gakupo whispered, turning back and resting on his chair.

I quickly take out my tablet to take notes, but I slowly typed them down. Something is clearly off about me today, because I do not stop wehn it comes to drawing small hearts on my notes.
I can't get myself to focus because of that boy!

"Gah! Stupid idiot!" I cussed under my breath.

That's all folks! At least for the night, thank you reading it though! Night! c(•~•)c ~S.P.

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