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Kaito's POV
I try my best to ease drop on the conversation they were having. I find out that Len has a twin sister, which I guess is cool.  I couldn't help feeling a bit mad throughout the whole talk, and I don't know why. I get more enraged when Gakupo joins in, and having the chance to talk to Len! I heard some laugher then, making me more mad. I then hear my name, but I didn't get up until Miku asked me. Without thiking, I stand up , and walked over there, directly in front of Len, who was looking at me unamused. Meiko leans on Gumi, Miku is still braiding Luka's hair, and Gakupo is still trying to win over Len's sister.

"H-h-i t-t-he-re" I introduced myself  nervously, tugging my scarf, "I-I'm Shion Kaito, but I go by Kaito."

"Howdy, I'm Kagamine Len" Len replied, fixing his tie.

"And I'm Kagamine Rin" a short, blond girl sighed, getting tortured by Gakupo, "But call me Rin for short."

"And you can call me Len-Kun!" Len spouts out, realizing what he said, since his cheeks flushed light pink, "Uhhhhhh..."

"Alright then, Len-Kun" I said, feeling my face turning red, "Is it really okay to call you that?"

"Yeah, I don't really care" Len answered, putting his head down on the desk.

"If you say so" I murmured, patting his head.

I somehow ended up stroking his blond, hair, which made this situation weird. Rin and Gakupo looked at me with confusion, but I can hear the others squealing, making me blush harder.The final bell rings, and everyone got up from their seat, and out the door. Miku implies that we should meet up at the front entrance. Soon, Len-Kun gets up along with his sister. They go out the door with everyone behind them, with me me in the back. We go our separate ways to our lockers, with a nice feeling in my gut.
Len's POV
The boy stands up ,and comes in front of me, great. I find out that his name is Kaito. I then introduced myself, as Rin did too while being hitted on, and telling him to call her by Rin.

"And you can call me Len-Kun!" I blurted out randomly. I soon regretted saying that, feeling a bit embarrassed.  Bet you Kaito is going to think I'm insane after that one.

"Alright then, Len-Kun" Kaito says soothingly, "Is it really okay to call you that?"

"Yeah, I don't really care" I replied, feeling even more flustered.

I put my head on the desk. I heard Kaito saying something, but I couldn't make it out what he said. I soon felt a hand stroking my hair, and felt kind of nice?I heard some squealing noises, it was probably Miku, and the rest. The dismissal bell fucking rings, releasing everyone out the classroom. I got up, along with the others  and went out of the class. Miku said that we should meet up at the front of the school, and we go on our ways. I see Oliver and Fukase together down the hall. The author totally didn't forget about those two, so I ran up to them to apologize.

"Fukase! Oliver!" I panted, catching my breath, "I'm sorry, for not, talking to you!"

"It's okay, Len" Fukase said, turning around to face me, while holding Oliver's hand.

"We saw that you were busy" Oliver pipped in, "Don't worry."

"Alright then, if you guys don't mind" I said, relieved, "What to hang out with others at the front?"

"Sorry, we can't,  I promised Oliver that I'll show him around the school,"  Fukase sighed, glancing at Oliver excitedly.

"Okay, see you then!" I said while turning  back and waving at them.

"Bye Len-Kun!" Oliver sneered, getting dragged by Fuakse.

Rin waits for me, and we made our way to our lockers, trying our best to not get stepped on. When there, we took grabbed our bags and went down the crowded halls, towards the hellish staircase with too many people on it. Somehow, we make it out in one piece to our locker. Taking our stuff, we quickly made it down stairs to meet everyone. After exiting out the doors, someone pulls my backpack into the nearest bush.

Look, I'm not totally dead! Sorry for the wait, did have time until now! We finally see interaction! (^_^)I'll speed things up from here, I don't want thso story to drag too long, yay, I guess?  As always, I hoped you enjoyed reading this! Thank you!!!! I don't know when the next chapter(s) will be up, but hopefully a lot quicker than this time!
P.S. Kill La Kill is AWSOME! ~S.P.

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