Chapter 5

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Will's P.O.V.

I went to get Piper for Nico. It was right after lunch. I was relived to know that he would have company, because I had a few plans for myself.

I made it to the Aphrodite cabin and knocked. There was a shuffle of feet and the door opened. "What do you want, Solace?" She said, looking like she just woke up. I guess most people would say that 'she still looked beautiful' but I wasn't a good judge on feminine beauty.

"Nico wanted me to get you," I said.


"He didn't say... "

She walked back into her cabin grumbling something about Nico "falling in love with the sun" or something. Don't know what she meant by that.

As soon as Piper was on her was to the infirmary, I went to the Posiedon cabin. Maybe Percy might let me use his salt water spring. I knocked and called "Percy!"

He answered the door, wearing only a pair of shorts. I will admit, he did look good... for a guy... like himself.

"Percy, can I use your spring? There isn't anywhere else to go for IM," I said. IM means Iris Messaging, by the way.

"Sure, why?" He asked.

"I need to talk to Apollo."


(A/N) A bit of mystery, but not really. I just needed to add a Will chapter. It's really short but the next two chapter will be better, hopefully.

Question: Who is your all-time favorite PJO or HoO character?

My answer: Nico di Angelo or Leo Valdez. 😄

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