Chapter 40

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Will's P.O.V.

It was weird to suddenly gain all of my memories back at once. It gave me a headache.

I'd take the headache over the heartbreak that I have now, though. Nico passed out as soon as he arrived at Camp Half-Blood with me. He's been laying there for approximately five hours, twenty-three minutes, and forty-two seconds. Nobody has been able to pick him up.

I-i think...

I think... h-he's gone...

I feel wet, hot tears slip out of my eyes. It's around midnight. I haven't taken my eyes off of him.

Maybe if I just...

I poked his cheek. My finger went through his skin, as I expected. But he started to feel a little more solid. I layed down on the ground next to him. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to hug him. To hold him.

If only once more.

**time skip brought to you buy pokes on the cheek** (Me: *pokes your cheek*)

I must have dozed off. I wake up with my arms wrapped around something... solid. Cold, but solid. I open one eye, not wanting to commit to my suspicion yet. I peek out of my opened eye.

... I can't see with only one eye open. At least, not this early.

I open the other eye, and see something black. Lots of black. And dark brown.

Nico freaking di Angelo. He's solid again.

I picked him up and ran to the infirmary, despite that I just woke up and it hurt to move.

"GUYS!" I shouted once I was within fifty feet of the infirmary. A bunch of my siblings came rushing out.

"You shouldn't be running yet, William," said one of my brothers. I didn't bother to acknowledge who he was or what he said. People tried to take Nico out of my arms, but I wouldn't let him.

I ain't letting him go ever again.

I set him down in the bed in the room at the end of the hall. People started to hook him up to machines that I didn't bother recognize. I sat down on my knees at the edge of his bed.

"Wake up soon, Neeks," I say. "Thank you."

**another time skip brought to you by cheesey words that you would never say to a conscious person**

It's been about a week since Neeks has been in the infirmary. I've visited him everyday, hoping he wakes up. I'm heading to him right now.

I walk into his room to be greater by a pale boy with black hair... and a smile. A smile so wide, so bright, that it makes the pearly white walls look dull.

"Nice to see you up," Nico says jokingly. His voice is gravely. I run over to his bed and threw myself onto his bed.

"What happened to the machines they put you one?" I asked Nico between kisses.

Nico showed me his arms and legs. "No need. I'm perfectly fine." I raised an eyebrow. "This isn't the first time I nearly died, Solace," he said, rolling his eyes.

I laughed a little, and kissed him. Our lips moved together in perfect synchronization.

And it had to be the best kiss of all time. No exceptions.


(A/N) *bursts into tears* My baby is all grown up! No, I'm just really sad that this book is done. It means that I have to start a new book to fall in love with. By the way, I'm gonna be nice ("nice") and write a quick epilogue!


Will's P.O.V. years later. (They got a house together *wink*)

Nico and I sit down to watch Nico's favorite movie: The Fox and The Hound.

"So this is your favorite movie," I say playfully. He gives me an Artemis-worthy glare and turns back to the movie.

Nico buries his head into my chest as it gets close to the end. Once the movie is over, I look at my little Angel, who is asleep. I pick him up bridal style and carry him go his room. (No. We do not share a room.)

I think about going to my room, but I am pretty tired. And Nico is pretty cute.

I give in to my desire and climb in bed with Nico. I don't know if it was from too many poptarts, or if I'm just insane but I whispered the either most stupid or smartest thing I've ever said to Nico.

"Will you marry me?" I immediately slapped myself mentally. He was alseep. He couldn't hear me.

"Yes," a small voice whispered. "Why wouldn't I?" I looked down to see an adorable angel giving me a tiny smile. I poked the blush on his cheek. He gave me a long, warm kiss. His lips felt so soft.

When we broke apart, he nestled into my chest and fell asleep.

Well, now I had something to do in the morning.

Buy a ring.


(A/N) It was better than what I said it was gonna be last chapter, right?

Anyway, I'm gonna be writing a Solangelo Highschool AU called....

Sunshine and Blanket Burritos. Check it out! First chapter comes out tomorrow!

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