Chapter 6

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Nico's P.O.V.

Will left to get Piper. I was left to think for a while. What if she can't help? What if she doesn't care? She'll help me, right?

Those kinds of thoughts went on for about five minutes. Then there was a knock on the door. Piper came in.

"What did you want, Death Boy?" She asked, smirking a bit. I glared at her.

"I've been having problems. I don't know what to call it," I said. Hopefully she would understand.

She did.

"Okay, Ghost King, tell Doctor Piper your symptoms," she said.

I went down the list.

"Butterflies in my stomach, ('skeletal' butterflies wouldn't sound right) excessive blushing, racing heart, and very mixed up thoughts."

"Does this only happen when a certain person is around?" She asked. I nodded. "Nico, you might have a case of Love."

"I might?" I asked. Either I did or I didn't. There isn't an in between.

"It depends," she said.

"On what?"

"It's it Will?" I glared at her for about two and a half minutes, then confessed. It went something like:

"Um... well... he's... you know... " That was a very brave thing I did.

"Hot?" She prompted. I nodded. "And angel? Perfect? Cute? Smart?" I nodded as she kept naming things. "Yup, you have a crush or are already in love, Nico." With that, she left.

A crush. In love. Me? How? With Will? Will Solace? No. Impossible. I couldn't be in love with Will. Will was too good and too hot and too... prefect! How could I ever compare to Will? I was a child of darkness while he was light. I preferred black while he always wore yellow and other bright colors. I was dark and gloomy while he was always so happy and cheerful. We were just so different! There is no other way to put it! I kept thinking like that untill Will came back.

We made eye contact.

I turned a deep crimson and buried myself in the blankets. No. I couldn't love him, or have a crush on him. He deserved a happy cheerful person. I peaked over my cover and looked at Will.

He was also a dark crimson.

I fell asleep on that thought.

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