Chapter 32

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Nico's P.O.V.

Chiron and Mr. D told me to stay with Will while they talk about the possibilities of the situation. I didn't have any problem with staying with Will, but I wanted to help out as much as possible.

I was currently laying down on an infirmary bed with Will.

"You're stressed," he said. I nodded. "I'm gonna be fine." He tried to reassure me.

"Will, this is more than just normal amnesia," I said. He's known about the Gods all of his life. How is it possible to forget the people that control your life?

I started to curl the blanket around me. Hey, it's what I do when I'm stressed. Blanket burritos are the key to comfort and life. And when I finally got into my burrito, Will wrapped his arms around me. Maximum comfort.

"Will," I asked.


"How did we meet?" I ask. It wasn't going to hurt me if he didn't remember. But if he did remember, then maybe the object taking his memory away isn't too strong.

"I don't know."

I felt his arms hug me tighter. And we just layed there, not moving.

Unknown's P.O.V.

The two are cuddling in bed. How pathetic. The blond one should be trying to go for the hottest girl in camp. Like one of those girls in the Aphrodite cabin. Not some scrawny son of Hades. I mean, the blond has the looks for it, too. But still. Even if he was my puppet, and he was doing everything I wanted, I was still going to steal him.

He deserves it.


When I was writing "Not some scrawny son of Hades" I just imagined Leo popping up out of nowhere shouting "Scrawny is the new blazing hot!"

My mind is so random.

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed this short chapter. My head currently is on fire, so I'll post more... when it stops.

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