Chapter 28

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Will's P.O.V.

"And I'm terrified."

What did he mean by that? I know that it could have meant multiple things, but my brain was stuck on one. I already forgotten everybody else. And just about everything else.

Nico was afraid that I'm going to forget him.

I looked over at the little angel that was laying next to me. He was sound asleep. He bags under his eyes seemed to shrink a bit when his eyes were closed. He was curled up into a ball against my chest. I put my hand on his waist. It felt really boney.

Or maybe he's terrified of me. Maybe I seemed too aggressive last night.

Go to sleep, Will, I told myself silently. Think about it more in the morning.

Nico's P.O.V.

I wake up when I felt something on my chest. I clutch it hard, and relize that it's soft, yet strong.

Apparently Will's hand had found its way up my shirt an onto my chest last night. I put his hand into mine. I looked over at Will and saw him attempting to fake sleep. His cheeks and ears were a bright red, so obviously he knows what he did. I poked his cheek.

"Go away, I'm aleep," he said, jokingly.

There was a short silence after that.

"Hey, Will," I said. He hummed in reply. "Do you remember the Gods?"

"Yeah," he said in a sour voice.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"Um... a camp for children of Gods?"

"Close," I said. "Camp Half-Blood. The only camp for Greek demigods."


Will looked a little embarrassed. "Something wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head. I leaned over and kissed his nose. "There's nothing wrong with losing ninety-five percent of your memory." He smiled at me.

"Fifty percent," he said. Haha! But no. We didn't spent that much time together. I stuck my tongue out at him.

He caught me by surprise, and kissed me. We would have continued to make out but I had to giggle. That made Will stop.

"I didn't giggle," I stated matter-of-factly as I blushed a light pink.

"Sure you didn't," Will said.

After that, we just ate in silence.

"Wanna get breakfast?" Will asked. I didn't want to eat, but Will did.

And Will was going to baby feed me if I didn't eat willingly.

I showed Will to the dinning pavilion and I told Kayla about his condition. I got behind the Ares kids as I waited in line for food. I was going to sit at the Hades table, but I decided I was going to take a risk.

I sat down next to Will. As soon as we started talking, Mr. D came over.

"Nicky De Antonio," Dionysus said, "Why aren't you at the Hades table?"

"Medical reasons," I said. Mr. D raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm the only person Will remembers so he'd deffiantely be more comfortable with me around." Bam! Logic, Wine Dude!

"Whatever," he grumbled.

After that, we ate in silence.


(A/N) Pretty boring chapter. I wrote it as soon as I realized that I fell alseep and missed two a.m.


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