Chapter 8

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Will's P.O.V.

I went to the dinning pavilion as soon as I woke up. Normally, I would have checked on my patients first, but I needed some time to myself. I wanted to think about what Apollo had told me.

I sat down at the Apollo table after getting a serving of toast, eggs, add bacon. A very nutritious breakfast.

How could Nico like you? I thought. He would like somebody who could actually fight with him. Not some battlefield surgeon. Then, a huge question came into my mind. How do I know that I actually like Nico? Um... he's cute. And funny. And hot. And he can be sorta... sexy. Okay, Will, time to stop thinking. I didn't stop thinking. I kept on thinking about Nico for the next few minutes, until somebody interrupted my thoughts.

"Gods, what did your food do to insult you?" Somebody asked. The voice was Austin's.

I said something smart like "Huh?" as a reply.

"Your glaring at your food," he stated. "Probably means you have somehing important on your mind."

"Um... sorta, but it's kinda personal," I said.

"I'm a person, you can tell me." Ha ha. Very clever.

"Ha. Ha. Ha," I said. He was a real jokester. I quickly finished my breakfast so I could go check on Nico.


"Hey, Neeks," I said once I made it to the infirmary. He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Will," he said. I smiled and he turned a light pink for some reason. I checked myself. I looked fine, nothing that would offend him.

Nico curled up into a ball on his bed, trying to hide his blush. He is so cute! I mean... so... I just stopped thinking about Nico's cuteness, then. I played like I hadn't seen his blush, because my face was heating up a little, too. "So, what did you and Piper talk about?" I asked.

That only made his blush deepen. "Um.. you know... stuff," he said. His face was a dark red now. I wanted to stroke his cheek. I reached out.

And my hand made contact with his face. No turning back now. I gently ran my across his cheek and down his jawline. Nico's eyes got really big, and his cheeks looked like they were on fire. My cheeks must have looked the same.

"Um... I was just checking your temperature," I said. "For... um... medical reasons."

"Okay," Nico said. He was still blushing. I ran out of the room to splash some water on my face. That's when I ran into the one person who I didn't want to see: Piper McLean.

"Looks like somebody just had a romantic encounter," she said. That didn't help the fact that I was already blushing.

"Yeah, whatever," I said and started back twords the restrooms.

When I got there I splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror. My face was so red, you would have thought I'd been slapped.

Why did you do it, Will? I asked myself. Then I remembered: This is Nico's second day. He only has one left after this.

When he leaves the infirmary, I won't be able to spend as much time with him. The war left a lot of people wounded.

There was a knock on the door. Percy came into the restroom.

"Piper told me you were in here," he said. "And I might have eavesdropped on your conversation with Apollo."

"... What?" I asked. He smiled, and poked my heated cheek.

"Somebody has the hots for my little, innocent Nico," he said. Percy tended to treat Nico like a little brother.

"Wait, somebody has the hots for Neeks?" Somebody in a stall asked. Jason walked out of the stall. "Hmm... Will and Nico... Solace and di Angelo." Was he seriously shipping us already?

"Percy, I will kill you!" I said. He laughed and I couldn't help but smile a little, too.

"SOLANGELO!" Jason yelled at he top of his lungs. I wanted to smack him so hard right now. I swear to all the Gods that the whole camp heard it.

"Jason," I hissed.

"Sorry," he squeaked. I walked out of the bathrooms.

Well that was a traumatic experience! I thought. I needed to tend to some patients, so I went to the back of he infirmary to get some supplies.

Solangelo, I thought. Solace and di Angelo.


(A/N) OMGs! Thirty-three read? Already? I'm so happy! Thanks to every one of here beautiful people reading! And who else thinks that Jason would be a full-time fangirl?

Question: What is your favorite PJO book?

My answer: The Titan's Curse. Nico is SO cute in that book!

By the way, I'm thinking about doing and Demigod Q+A! Leave your opinions in the comments, please!

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