Chapter 12

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Will's P.O.V.

I woke up with my arms wrapped around something. It was boney, yet soft. Then I remembered, I had slept with Nico.

Not what you're probably thinking! We just shared a bed and held hands! Nothing wrong. We haven't even kissed yet, sheesh!

I looked at Nico. His eyes were still closed so I assumed he was still asleep. He had managed to unravel himslef out of his blanket burrito while asleep. I kissed him on the forehead. It was a quick light kiss, nothing special or anything. Then Nico's face heat up. I tried to pretend I was still asleep but failed miserably.

"Will?" Nico asked, his voice hard. I looked up with puppy dog eyes. "Did you just... " His voice trailed off.

I smirked and leaned in close to his face. "Maybe." Nico looked around us, as if suddenly remembered what happened last night. His cheeks blushed a dark red.

"Nico?" I asked. "You alright?"

"Yeah," he said. "It's just that... I never really... slept with anybody, I mean in the same room as anybody, for a whole night." I smirked at him.

"Did you just admit that you're a virgin?"

"Shut your face, Solace," he said.

"Okay, Sunshine," I retorted. He smiled.

There was a moderate length pause.

"So... " Nico said. He wanted to tell me something. Most people would think he was attempting to start a conversation, but something was on his mind.

"Something wrong, Neeks?" I asked, concerned.

"Well... d-did you kiss me?" He asked, leaning close. "On my forehead?"

"I might have," I said, leaning even closer. He put his forehead on mine.

"Is that a yes, or no?" He asked. We were whispering now.

"It's a yes," I say. I lean on a bit closer.

"Would you consider doing it again?" Nico asked. We were so close that every time we talked, our lips brushed against each other. I made our lips touch.

I was flat-out kissing Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, my best friend, and now, more than that.

I tried to break apart, but Nico deepened the kiss. His lips tasted so sweet.

There was a sudden bang of the door being kicked open. Nico and I jumped apart, trying to act normal and hide the blush that we both had on our faces.

But not before Jason and Percy got and picture.

"SOLANGELO!" They screamed in unison as they ran out of the infirmary, not even bothering to shut the door.

"So... does this mean... ?" Nico asked, not needed to finish his sentence.

I smiled and nodded. He kissed me again.


(A/N) Just so you guys know, they had a full make-out session after that, but I don't think I'm good at writing fluff or if it would be appropriate because I have no clue how old my readers are.

Question: Blackjack or Tempest?

My answer: Blackjack! He helped save Percy out of the goodness of his heart and not because he was summoned to help!

By the way, sorry if this chapter was worst than usual. It's like nearly three in the morning and I couldn't sleep tonight. That's why I'm writing this. Anyhow, SOLANGELO AWAY! Love you guys!

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