Chapter 26

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Nico's P.O.V.

I watch as Will sleeps in the infirmary bed. He seems to be having a peaceful dream. His face is all relaxed, and gorgeous. I just want to reach out and touch it. But it might wake him up. But his face... it's so... perfect.

I try to refrain, but he's just so handsome when he's alseep. He looks like my old Will. The one who didn't have to go through the pain and suffering of being held prisoner. I don't exactly miss that Will. But it's horrible that he had to go through that.

I can't hold myself back any longer. I reach out and cup his chin in my hands. His skin is smooth in the places where it's not scratched up. Poor sunshine. I lean in, so I can almost taste his breath. I give him a neat, but very passionate kiss. I would be a lot more carefree, but he seems to be having a nice dream. And he deserves the sleep. I lean back into my chair and start to read a book called Divergent. It's about this girl who's trying to figure out what's outside the walls of her city. It's very emotional.

(A/N) This story was not sponsored by Veronica Roth (A/N End)

Right when I'm getting to the end, I get jumpscared by Will tossing around in his sleep. He must be having a nightmare. I want to wake him, but it might be important. I don't take my eyes off of him while he tosses and turns for the next thirty minutes. I hope that it isn't a bad dream. Hopefully it's a message from a horrible God or something. Maybe Hera is planning to mess with his life.

... Okay, maybe a nightmare would be better than that.

Will suddenly opens his eyes. I stare at his blue irises. Then I look at his expression. He seemed... scared.

"Will?" I asked. He looked confused for a minute. But he finally said one thing.

"My angel," He croaked, still groggy from just waking up. I blushed. I'm his angel said a super teenage-girly voice inside my head.

Just then, Jason came into the room. He was wearing a T-shirt that read "SOLANGELO AWAY!" on it. Will had a confused expression on his face.

"Somethin' wrong?" I asked. He should know why Jason was here. He was going to forcefully shove our heads together and take pictures or something.

Will leaned close to my ear. "Who is he?"

"Who is who?" I asked. He blushed and pointed at Jason.

... What? Oh my Gods! Does Will have amnesia? Does he remember me? He's just messing around, right?

"Y-y-you know w-who Jason is, Will," I said, stuttering. Will shook his head. A tear slipped out of my eye. If he forgot who his number one fangirl was... he could have forgotten a lot more.

How much did he forget?

I looked over at Jason, who looked sort of hurt and sort of worried.

"Will," Jason croaked. "How much do you remember?" Hera had played with Jason's memories before. Maybe... maybe she just took Will's for a little while, too.

If Will lost his memory... I don't know what I'd do. Will is probably the only reason I'm alive right now. If not for him, I could have died plenty of times. He's my doctor. Mentally and physically. He soothes my pain. He's my other half. It doesn't matter how opposite we are. He is my sunshine. Not the evil kind that burns your skin, but the one that makes flowers grow. The kind that let's you know that it's gonna be a nice day.

Will pointed at his shirt. "You know... what a shirt is?" I asked. Will shook his head 'no.'

"I know who I am... sort of," he said. Sort of? He mumbled for a little while. Then silence. Then Will spoke two words. The same words he said when he woke up.

"My angel."

I wanted to cry so badly. I wanted to. But I can't. Will needs me to stay strong. If I'm not around, I'll feel horrible. Like I'd abandoned him. And I know him the best. I'm the only person who can teach him the stuff he's forgotten about himself.

"What do you remember about me?" I asked. I could teach him about me if he didn't remember. But I needed to know what he forgot. I wanted him to remember me. I needed him to remember me.

"Everything," he said. "You only eat half of your meal. You're favorite food is a pomegranate, and every other food isn't as appealing. You like the game Twenty Questions because people get straight to the point. You hate social enteraction. You get annoyed easily. You're eye color isn't black, just a very dark brown."

I felt tears running down my face. He remembered me. My sunshine remembers me.

"And when you want a hug," he continued, "you wrap yourself up into a blanket burrito because you're too scared to ask somebody for a hug."

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to give Will a sloppy kiss, but did he remember that I loved him? Did I even ever tell him that I loved him? I think I loved him. Love is a strong word...

"Will," I said through the tears on my cheek. "What do know about yourself?"

Please remember! Please remember!

"That you're my angel," he said, very quietly. He remembered. He remembered me. It sounds very selfish, but I need him to remember. It isn't a want. He is my life!

"And I love you."

...L-l-l... I can't say the word. Can barely think it. I was able to think that word before... but now that... a certain person said it...

My mind went dead for a few minutes. He... he.... l-l-l... likes me to an extreme level? How does he know it's that? Is he sure?

I stopped worrying about it and kissed his pretty face. His lips felt as soft as ever. Even with a few cuts on them.

'And I love you.'

That was the first time that anybody has said that to me. And never in a million years would I imagine that person would be William Solace, Child of Apollo, and love of my life.


(A/N) This chapter was probably very cheesey. Thanks to Cakey for giving me an idea for this. I'm trying to add some feels but all I can really do is humor. And I just had a chariot load of Starbucks, so I can't think normally. And it's VERY late at night when I'm actually writing this, but that has nothing to do with the coffee.

... I need to stop drinking so much coffee xD

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