Chapter 18

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(A/N) Sorry, but the picture was too good not to add in. ^.^ ON TO THE STORY!

Nico's P.O.V.

I looked frantically around the cabin. Maybe he just had to use to bathroom and I was just over reacting. Maybe he had to be called into the hospital. No. That can't be it. I could feel a death coming. A sad one. A person who would want a happy death. The Gods were after me. They had to be for Will to suddenly dissappear.

I ran into the big house. I needed to talk to Chiron.

I burst through the door, screaming. "Chiron! Will... " I was out of breath so I didn't bother to finish my sentence. Chiron was in full horse form, studying a vase that had some kind of writing in it.

"Yes, Mr. di Angelo?" Chiron asked, being all formal and that.

"Will... is gone," I say between huge gasps of breath. "He... has a... strong sense... of death... near him."

Chiron looked at my facial expressions. "Nico, there were also more dissapearances last night. Do you know anything about that?"

"Just Will's," I said.

"And how were you informed about Will's dissapearance?" Oh schist.

"Um... well he was in my cabin last night," I said, looking at the ground, "and he sorta... fell asleep there." There came the blush. He had to get the wrong idea now.

"Nico," Chiron said, "all of our Apollo children went missing last night." Oh, good. He didn't get the wrong idea.

"All of them?" I asked.

"All of them," he repeated. "But we must not search for them. Not until we have further information."

I wanted to say 'And how would you stop me?' but instead I said: "Fine."

But I had a plan. And nobody could stop me.


(A/N) YEAH! YOU GO SAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND, NEEKS! Hehe! That chapter was so fun to write! I have a bad case of giggles now for some reason.

Question: Any idea on who the monster is?

My answer: Muahahaha! (That was an evil laugh)

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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