Lots of people have been asking for this so here you guys go--alo and behold--chapter 4!!! (yay!!)♥
It's midnight now, i know that cause the clock's having it's hourly spaz attack. so i guess im figuring i should probably go sleep.
Anyways, i love you guys and id love you even more if you voted for me or commented on this or became a fan, but if youve already done that stuff, i love you as much as i possibly could already for somebody that i dont even know.
Nighty-night (or techincally good morning)
sleep tight
don't let the bed bugs bite!!
And please enjoy!!!!!!:D♥
Chapter 4-Yoopie-doopie-doo
I reluctantly got out from under the covers feeling the coldness of the house. The only thing that heated the place was the old fire place downstairs, but somewhere in the middle of the night it always went out leaving the house cold for us in the morning. I went over to my dresser and looked at Brandon's face smiling at me. Gently, I lifted the picture and softly kissed the frame. Then I set it back down sighing; I knew that no matter what I did nothing could bring him back.
My closet door was sqeaky when I opened it which really bothered me. The only good thing about Michigan was that it was peaceful and quiet because there weren't many highways and all the houses were at least one mile apart. I looked at my stock of sweaters and decided to pull out a light blue one. It was the exact shade of my eyes and also went with my brown hair. Then I pulled out some jeans from my drawer. There was a hole in the knee, but I figured that was acceptable in a town like this. When I looked in the mirror I found that the jeans complemented the bluish-purple bags under my eyes just great. Not that I was too happy about it, because I wasn't. I guess you could almost say that I looked hideous. A little too skinny, a little too pale, a little too unhealthy. However, I was improving. I wasn't horrible anymore. Right after he died it was so much worse.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't looking forward to school. I was okay at making friends and everything, but I felt like if I made new friends I'd sort of be forgetting about my old ones. I didn't like the feeling of betraying anyone or anything and this, being in Michigan and eating with Derek's family, was my definition of betrayal right on the dot. I pulled my clothes onto myself and opened my blinds. Just a bunch of leafless trees for miles and miles. And snow, of course.
Thinking about snow made me remember that Derek had invited me to that snowmobile dance. It didn't sound like a date, did it? Because if it was, then I absolutely had to keep my distance from that boy. But what if it wasn't a date? Would I go then? I thought that maybe I would. This town seemed pretty boring compared to the city in Utah. I probably would wind up wanting some thing to do.
Usually I would've done my make up and the whole works, but I didn't have a boy to impress and I honestly didn't feel like going to school at all. I grabbed some shoes and a jacket from my closet and went downstairs.
Everyone was already awake and eating toast and eggs. I sat down and took a piece of toast without a plate. Cassie was all dolled up like fifteen-year olds usually were. Her hair was straightened and she wore super-heavy mascara. Last night she'd done here nails pink and they matched her pink shirt. She had a scarf around her neck. Pink was her color and she seriously knew it. Whenever something was important to her or she was trying to make a good impression she always wore pink. I knew she was going to be in for a surprise when she realized that nobody dressed like that around here.
"Pass me a cup o' milk, eh?" I said to my dad. He tried to hold back a smile. Mom glared at him giving him the signal to yell at me.
"What did your mother tell you about making fun of this town yesterday?" he asked.
Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops
Novela JuvenilCancer: A malignant and invasive growth or tumor caused by abnormal cell masses, tending to recur after excision and to metastasize to other sites That's the definition of cancer. 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with it every year. Annually, 500...