Chapter 21--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Hey guys, I know this one took 4evvvvvvverrrr and I'm reallllly soorry!! :( I hope you can forgive me *puppy-dog eyes* Or I just might...cry <:O

Almost 80 fans~~Yay!!!! <3 you guys even if you hate me cause I take forever to upload... You're so amazing and I especially want to thank the ones who've been here since back in June when I started this story. It might've only been three months, but for me, so far, it's been quite the journey.

Lately I've been talking to some of you fans and you're really a lot amazingER than I would've ever imagined. You're so inspiring and I promise you, if you're a fan I will deffy TRY to read your stuff. Just cause you're amazing ^_^

ENJOY!!! :)


Chapter 21

It was hard to be sure how I felt at that moment. Derek was getting way to personal lately. I didn't appreciate how he was always so nosy about everything, but I also felt like he had a right to know about Bryce. Who was I kidding? He needed to know about Bryce. Not telling him about Bryce would be like not telling him about Cassie. It just wouldn't work.

I ran a nervous hand through my hair, digging through my brain for the words to tell him that Bryce was in trouble. I couldn't find them.

Derek stared at me expectantly.

I cleared my throat.

"Tuesday...." I trailed off. That was as far as I could think.

"Tuesday." Derek repeated, which made it worse.

"Right." I said. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and got everything together. This shouldn't have been so hard for me. It was just that... if I lost Bryce... I'd also be losing all I had left of...Brandon. I finally decided to come clean. "Do you know who," I stopped talking.

My head flung around to look at the door.

So did Derek's.

Something was outside.

Derek signaled for me to stay there and noiselessly stood up. He crept quietly to the door of the tree house and I watched almost terrified. Were there tigers and jaguars in this part of the world? I gulped.

Sitting there, I wondered how much longer, exactly, that I was going to be alive. I doubted it was a very happy number. I heard a rustling down in the brush and felt myself panic. Derek didn't really look that concerned after he glanced down to see who or what was outside.

"What in the Sam hell, Derek?! What are you two doing up here?!" It was his sorta-kinda sister. And she did not look very happy.

Personally, I thought Derek looking pretty pissed off, too. "I'm gonna tell your mother that you just said what you said." Derek threatened.

"I don't think she'll care." The next thing I knew, she was in the tree house looking down at me with her hands on her hips. "She sent me out here to look for you two. What were you doing anyways?" She raised an eyebrow and I wasn't sure which way she was going with her implication.

"It's none of your damn business!" Derek yelled. God, he was scary when he yelled.... I could tell he was about to throw a few more bucks in the jar so I butted in.

"I'm sorry. We, um, forgot. We were just" I didn't want to admit to playing GoFish. It was weird. Amanda raised an eyebrow.

"Right." She said, eyeing Derek with a suspicious expression. "You guys better get back to the house right now. Mom and Dad are pissed off." When she said 'pissed' she held out the s's. Without saying anything Derek followed her back down the ladder and I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I did too.

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