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isabelle looked down at the grey stone in her hand. she sighed, closing her hand before tossing the small stone into the fountain. she often found herself in the garden when her mind was cluttered with the political side of being a princess.

she saw no reason for marrying james. she wanted to marry for love and not for politics. her mother made her that promise when she was a little girl. promises, however, are meant to be broken.

"need company?" she heard behind her, causing her head to turn to face the person that had spoken.
"hello, bash." she stated, moving over to make room for him on the stone bench.

he took the seat next to her, watching her toss stones into the fountain.
"what's on your mind, belle?" sebastian asked, seeing the look on his sister's face.

it was the look that she made when she was upset about something. in this case, bash knew that it was about james stuart.

"it's not fair that you get to choose whom you wish to marry, but i have to have an arranged marriage. bash, what if i don't love james?" isabelle asked, looking towards sebastian. he did not have an answer for her.

"i cannot answer your question, isabelle. however, i do know that i will help you if you want to learn any information about james," bash responded, causing belle to look at him.

"if it makes you feel better, i hear that james is quite the attractive man." sebastian stated, raising an eyebrow at his sister.

"yes, he may be an attractive man, but is he a good, kind man?" isabelle questioned.

"your highness?" isabelle and bash heard, causing both to look. the guard looked towards belle.
"your mother has requested your presence in the ballroom." the guard completed.

isabelle stood, giving one final nod to sebastian and walked back into the castle to meet with her mother.


"mother, i don't care which flowers you pick." isabelle sighed, watching the servants put up decorations.

isabelle's birthday was approaching, and the queen saw it as an excuse to throw a party for the nobles and royals to attend.

"belle, you are going to be eighteen! you should decide what you want." catherine exclaimed. isabelle gave her mother a look of annoyance as she walked around the ballroom.

"father says that you should have a new dress made. james is coming to your party." francis's voice entered the room. isabelle looked at her younger brother, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"well isn't that just marvelous? mother, did you hear? my husband is coming to my birthday party!" isabelle feigned excitement.

"belle, you are being overdramatic. maybe this marriage can do good. just try to stay positive until you meet james. please?" catherine pleaded her daughter. isabelle sighed before nodding.

"fine. i shall wait until i meet james to make my final verdict on him." isabelle said, returning back to watching the decorations being placed throughout the room.

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