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"may i present to you, isabelle de valois, queen of france and james stuart, king consort of france." the cardinal appointed.

cheers sounded throughout the room. isabelle looked towards her family, seeing francis holding the four month old eden in his arms.

"my first job as queen shall be to appoint my royal advisor. i have made the grand decision to choose my brother, sebastian, as my royal advisor," isabelle announced.

sebastian smiled up at his sister. he knew that her reign would be great for france. she was a very level-headed individual and she had the power to get what she wanted in order for the country to thrive.

"and my second order is for a special garden to be built, here in french court, where my daughter shall play. it shall be named the garden of eden." isabelle continued.

"long reign queen isabelle!" a voice yelled from the back of the room. then, everyone in the room began to chant it as well.
isabelle looked over towards james.

"long reign queen isabelle." james stated, pressing a kiss to his wife's lips.

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