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royals danced throughout the ballroom, laughing and drinking. everyone seemed to have fun, except for isabelle.

"james why are you leaving again? you never stay through the balls. they are for you too. it's our one year anniversary!" isabelle scolded james.

he sighed and looked at his now six month pregnant wife.
"isabelle, i am still the regent of a country. i have matters to tend to. it won't kill you to be alone for an hour." james grew frustrated with belle.

he had promised marlene that he would meet with her, and he was now late.
the regent exited the room in a hurry.

catherine immediately took his place and looked at her daughter.
"he left? again?" she asked. isabelle nodded and frowned.

she felt tears prick at her eyes, knowing that james was probably on his way to bed marlene. her emotions were all over they place due to her pregnancy.

bash walked over to his sister, a frown settling onto his face at the sight of his upset sister.

"belle? i'm afraid that marlene has left the room as well." he informed. belle looked up at sebastian, and something snapped within her.

the princess stood and walked over towards her guards.
"guards, do you have any idea of where james has gone?" the princess asked.

"i'm afraid not, your majesty." one of the scottish guards said. isabelle sighed and rested her hand against her stomach.

she remembered what her mother had told her.

she needed to do what was best for her and her heir.

"you need to come with me to retrieve your regent. now." belle ordered. the guards nodded and began to follow the queen regent.

isabelle walked down the hallway as she inched closer to finding out if her husband really was cheating on her. her nerves grew wild as she stood outside of the doors of james's private chambers.

she sent the guards in first.
"hey! have you all gone mad?! leave now!" james yelled out.

isabelle walked into the room, seeing james lying there with marlene. she scrambled to cover her bare chest.

"isabelle?" james questioned.
isabelle had seen everything that she needed to. the princess stormed out of his chambers and eventually, the castle.


isabelle threw a stone into the fountain as she cried. she wiped her tears and tried to remind herself that none of this was good for the life growing within her.

"belle?" isabelle heard from behind her.
"james, leave me alone." isabelle shook her head.

"i'm sorry." the regent apologized. belle scoffed.
"i do not want to hear it, james." she responded.

"i didn't mean to bed her." james spoke.
"you've been bedding her for months!" belle yelled at him.

"you can't be mad." james shook his head.
"i can't be mad? and why is that?" isabelle questioned, setting the stones in her hand down next to her.

"you're my wife and i'm your regent. if i say leave, you're gone. you have no power here except standing by my side." james stated.

that was it. isabelle de valois stood and faced james. the princess was furious and a cloud of rage filled her eyes.

"james, if it were not for me and my power, scotland would be crumbling to her knees right now. i have come to the conclusion that i am no longer in this marriage for you, i am doing this for mary until she comes of age. i hope that she is a better ruler than you are. oh, and bed marlene all you want. the second i have our baby, i'm leaving and i'm taking the baby with me." isabelle retaliated.

the princess stormed away from her husband, leaving him defeated.

fair has reached 2k reads + 100 votes omg i am so thankful for all of the love that this book has been getting i love you alllllll

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