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isabelle's labor was long and overwhelming. the princess had lost a lot of blood during it, but when she awakened to see james holding their baby, she felt a love within her heart that she had never felt before.

the regent placed the baby in the bassinet and he looked over towards belle, seeing that she was now awake.
"belle, you scared us. the doctors were unsure if you would live." james whispered as he kneeled beside her bed.

he took her hand in his.
"how is the baby?" isabelle asked, holding james's hand. he pressed a kiss to her hand.
"wonderful. definitely healthy." james informed.

when belle passed out from bloodloss, james thought that he had lost her. he had no idea what he would do if he lost the love of his life. it was in those moments that he knew how much isabelle de valois meant to him.

"belle, i can't take back what i did, but i can spend the rest of our lives proving how sorry i am. that is, if you stay in scotland and stand by my side as queen regent." james whispered to his wife.

belle had definitely thought about it during her labor. she remembered how much of a help james was during the whole process.

"i have an offer," belle looked at james. the regent waited for her to continue.
"you can stand by my side in france as king consort of france." isabelle stated.

"then i'd have to leave scotland." james responded.
"well then i guess i can just take our baby and le—" james cut isabelle off by pressing a kiss to her lips.

when he pulled away, she smiled softly at him.
"i didn't say that i decline your offer." james informed.

"where is our baby, james?" belle asked.
"our baby is resting in the bassinet. do you want to meet her?" james questioned.

"her? we have a daughter?" belle's eyes widened. james nodded and smiled. the regent got up and walked over towards the bassinet.

he carefully picked up the tiny baby girl. he rocked her softly so that she wouldn't wake up. james placed her into isabelle's arms.

"did you name her already?" isabelle asked, looking up at james. he shook his head.

"i thought that i'd leave that for you." he responded. isabelle looked down at her daughter. the baby already had a head full of brown hair.

"her name will be eden stuart, princess of france." isabelle stated.
"and scotland." james chimed in.

"eden stuart, princess of france and scotland." isabelle corrected.

"eden, did you know that your mother is a queen now," james whispered to the baby that was only hours old.
"long may she reign." james added in, placing a kiss on isabelle's forehead.

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