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james stuart opened the doors of his chambers to reveal an angered isabelle. the princess stormed into his chambers, clearly upset over something that was unknown to james.

"i cannot fathom the thought that you talked my father into getting us engaged!" isabelle's voice boomed throughout the room.

when the princess was angered, her eyes held a cloudiness that no one would think could come from her. her voice became louder and it was definitely evident that she shared that trait with her father.

"excuse me?" the regent asked, looking at his fiancée. james was taken back. he hadn't spoken to king henry since he met with isabelle that morning.

"my father is going through with the engagement. we are to be wed in two months!" isabelle said.

james shook his head and walked over to stand in front of the fireplace in his room.
"you believe that i spoke with your father? why would i do that?" the regent of scotland asked isabelle.

isabelle walked over to james, looking up at him dumbfoundedly.
"you...you didn't meet with my father?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

james shook his head in response. he looked down at isabelle's hands, taking them into his own.

"belle, i know that this is not what you want. however, i can tell you right now, i really fancy you. if we were to get married, i would see it as more than just an alliance." he promised, looking into her eyes.

the princess looked up at him and her heart swelled in adoration. she did not want to admit it, but she was beginning to like james stuart more than she had anticipated.

the door to james's chambers opened as a pair of guards entered.
"your highness, your carriage is outside." one of the guards announced.

isabelle's mouth opened ajar, in shock.
"you're leaving?" she questioned.
"i cannot allow my country to fall apart while i meet my future wife." james looked down at the princess.

"when will i see you again?" isabelle asked, not wanting the regent to leave.
"surely before our wedding," james answered with a cheeky grin on his face.

he slipped his hand out of isabelle's and looked at her.

"take care, isabelle de valois." he whispered to the princess that he was beginning to fall in love with.

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