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"mother, he speaks of being legitimized. i don't know what has gotten into him." isabelle stated, walking down the halls of french court with her mother.

queen catherine was the only one aware of isabelle's arrival. the queen regent was hoping to surprise her brothers and mary.

catherine thought of james becoming legitimized. if he did, mary would not have to marry francis and he would not meet his fate.

isabelle knew nothing of nostrodamus's vision of francis's future. she believed that nostrodamus could see fates before they occurred, but catherine was not sure of how the princess of france would take the news.

"isabelle, i need to speak with you." catherine de medici looked at her daughter. isabelle furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her mother.

catherine pulled her daughter aside and looked around, making sure that no servants were observing their conversation.

"what is it, mother?" isabelle asked.
"nostrodomus has seen another fortune, and this time, it was francis's." catherine stated.

isabelle's eyes widened.
"is he going to be okay? mother what happened in the fortune?" isabelle asked frantically.

"i have been informed that mary's union to francis will result in his death." catherine whispered, causing isabelle to gasp.

"does that mean that in order to save francis, james must become the king of scotland?" isabelle asked. catherine hated to put her daughter in this position, but she believed that james as king would be a good decision in the long run.

"i'm afraid that you are correct, my dear." catherine said, looking at her first born.


isabelle entered the throne room, seeing francis talking amongst a couple of royals. the prince looked and saw his sister. a smile instantly worked its way onto his face.

francis excused himself from the royals and rushed over to his sister.
"belle! what are you doing here?" francis asked, hugging his sister.

"i came to see my family." isabelle smiled. the two exited the throne room and walked down the halls.

"how is scotland? and how is james?" francis asked.
"scotland is great. everyone respects us. james is great as well, he wants children though." isabelle stated.

"and you don't?" francis asked.
"well not at the moment, no." she responded. francis furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at his sister.

"why not? an heir is a way to secure your– oh, now i see." francis realized why his sister was so hesitant.
"yes. the throne is not ours to secure, and i'm afraid that, well, if i were with child, the scots would think that we were taking mary's throne." isabelle responded.

if james was not the regent of scotland and they were merely just normal people, belle would have no problem with starting a family.

however, she was afraid of how people would treat her and her child if they assumed that she and james were grabbing for mary's throne.

francis and isabelle now found themselves walking outside across the bridge.
"i say that if you wish to start a family, do it. don't think of the royals, think of your happiness." francis grinned at his sister.

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