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james and isabelle sat at their dinner table, eating in a comfortable silence.

"there is something i wanted to tell you, james." isabelle spoke, breaking the silence. her husband glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow.

"did something happen? are you with child?" the regent questioned, wondering what isabelle could possibly tell him.
"no, i'm not with child! i wanted to tell you that i was thinking....maybe i could go back to france." isabelle looked at her husband.

his eyes widened.
"go back to france? as in move back to france?" he questioned.

"no, not move back. however, i wanted to spend a few days at french court. i want to be with my family, james. i miss them." isabelle responded.

the queen regent had been feeling homesick ever since her mother and brother left to go back to france.

"well i suppose that would be nice to get your mind off of scottish politics. do you want me to set your trip?" james asked, sitting back in his seat.

"yes, please." isabelle nodded and smiled warmly at her husband.


isabelle walked through the halls of the scottish castle, seeing james talking with a couple and their baby.

the regent spotted his wife and called her over.
"belle, come here please!" the regent stated, and isabelle walked over to them.

"hello." isabelle smiled warmly at the couple.
"belle, this is lord harrington and his wife, lady madelaine, oh and this is their daughter, margaret." james smiled at the baby that was only eight months old.

isabelle looked at the baby in lady madelaine's arms.
"she's beautiful!" belle smiled at the baby.

"would you like to hold her?" lord harrington asked.
"if that's okay with you two." isabelle responded.

madelaine placed the baby in isabelle's arms and the queen regent cooed at the baby. isabelle made a funny face at the little one, resulting in a laugh from the baby.

james smiled at the two. seeing isabelle with the happy baby made him wonder what she would be like with their child. she was so full of life and he knew that raising a child with her would be a joyous journey.


the queen regent and her husband took their daily stroll through the gardens. usually during their walks, they would discuss their day and how it went.

"baby margaret seemed to take a liking to you." james said, trying to be discreet in his intentions.
"i suppose so. she was quite adorable." isabelle smiled at james.

"i know that we've discussed waiting until my regency is over to have a child, but seeing you with margaret..." james's voice trailed off.

"you want to try for a child?" isabelle looked towards her husband.
"well i suppose. what if mary doesn't marry francis? what if scotland needs an heir?" james asked.

"james, you're regent. not king. mary will come of age and she will take her throne." isabelle stated.

james stopped in his tracks and turned to his wife.
"i've been thinking about something lately." james stated.

"and what is that?" isabelle asked, touching one of the flowers in their garden. she wouldn't know how the scots, let alone mary, would react if the couple had a child during james's regency.

"i could become king...if i became legitimized." james stated, catching isabelle's attention.

"legitimized? why would you do that?" isabelle asked.

"because i believe that it's time for scotland to have a fit ruler. me, as their king and you, by my side, as their queen." james said.

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