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catherine de medici and francis watched as isabelle and james's wedding ceremony took place.

"and people have to watch them consummate their marriage?" francis asked, looking at his mother.
"yes. that is a tradition for royals. it will happen to you too." catherine stated.

"and with this crown, i place upon you the title of queen regent of scotland." the cardinal said, placing the crown onto isabelle's head.

a sound of applause roared through out the room as the ceremony came to an end.
"and isabelle is okay with that?" francis asked, feeling sympathy for his sister.

"isabelle and james requested for royals to not view their consummation." catherine responded. their eyes glanced over towards the newly married couple, standing hand in hand.

"may i present to you, regent james stuart, earl of moray and queen regent isabelle de valois, princess of france." the cardinal announced, resulting in another round of applause.


"good morning, wife." james said with his morning voice, looking at his new wife.
"good morning." isabelle smiled. she had never felt so in love before that moment.

"you're a regent queen now." james said, acknowledging isabelle's new title.
"our regency only stands until mary comes of age." isabelle commented.

"then we should enjoy it while it lasts." james stated. he pressed his lips to hers, pulling her closer to him.

"is this what its like to be married to you? always in bed?" isabelle teased.
"we're newlyweds, what did they expect?" james asked.

"james you have business to tend to." isabelle said. the regent groaned. leading a country was tiring and he just wanted to take a day off.

"i'll fake ill." james stated, causing belle to laugh.
"you can't do that. what happens when you truly are ill?" she asked.

"then you'll take care of me." james answered, kissing isabelle again. she couldn't help but to kiss him back.

then, the doors to their chambers opened, causing them to pull apart in a rush.
catherine de medici walked into the chambers, a big smile on her face.

"mother!" isabelle gasped, pulling the sheets over her bare chest.
"how is the lovely couple doing?" catherine asked.

"mother, you should be announced first!" isabelle scolded her mother.

"i'm your mother, belle. how are you, james? i believe this is our first time officially meeting." catherine greeted her new son-in-law.

"hello, queen catherine." james nodded.
"are you two already trying to get pregnant?" catherine asked, putting her daughter on the spot.

"no, we are not. mother, please leave. we will talk once james and i are appropriately dressed." isabelle dismissed her mother. once catherine left out of the room, james fell back against the bed and sighed.

"your mother is a...different kind of mother." he commented.
"indeed she is." isabelle nodded.

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