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the next morning after isabelle's party, she was woken early to meet with james, whom she had spent the rest of her party avoiding.

"you and your brother are quite the dancing duo." james teased as they walked through the gardens. isabelle felt her cheeks warm from embarrassment.

"i did not know that you witnessed that." she sighed, looking at the regent.
"i managed to catch the end of it. i did notice that you were wearing the necklace i sent to you." he stated, a smile working its way onto his face.

isabelle scoffed before looking at james.
"you can't just win me over by beautiful jewelery by the way." she commented.
"so you liked it?" james questioned.

the two walked over to the fountain where isabelle had been days before.
"that is not the point." isabelle shook her head.

james let out a sigh before stopping in his tracks, resulting in isabelle doing the same thing.

"isabelle, this is more than just a politics to me. i think that you're beautiful and i can tell that you're smart from our conversations on our walk here. also, you're a challenge. if we get married, i want you to know that i don't just see you as a figure head. i shall see you as my wife." james stated, looking at the princess.

she stared up at him, astonished by his rant. she was trying hard to fight the smile that was coming on to her face, but she lost. james smiled back at her and the two stood in a comfortable silence.

"we should go back to the castle before my father sends out his guards." isabelle said, breaking the silence. james nodded in agreement and the two walked back to the castle, deep in conversation.


"so?" francis questioned as he looked at his sister. her blue eyes gazed at him from across the table.

"he's kind. better than i thought he'd be." isabelle answered.
"see! belle, you must learn to trust me on these things." catherine stated, looking at her daughter.

"as you are all aware, mary is arriving tomorrow and i want everyone to be on their best behavior." henry said, eyeing his two sons. bash and francis furrowed their eyebrows at their father.

"why are you looking at us?" sebastian questioned, causing belle to smile out of amusement.

"wait, father, did you decide on my engagement?" isabelle leaned forward in her seat, her smile dropping.

king henry shifted his gaze towards his eldest daughter. he was not in the mood for her tantrum that she was bound to throw. however, he did not want to lie to her about her future.

he was unsure of francis's union to mary, and he had to have a safety plan. therefore, he would seal france's alliance through his daughter. yes, he felt guilty, but it was for the good of france.

"yes, actually. i have," king henry nodded. catherine's eyebrows stitched together in confusion. henry had not discussed his final decision with her.

"isabelle, you and james will be wed in two months time." king henry said, causing all hell to break loose.

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