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the princess's carriage came to a halt and she realized that she was in scottish court. the door to her carriage opened and isabelle accepted the hand of the man that helped her out of the carriage.

isabelle looked up at the royals that were present for her arrival, and her gazed instantly locked with james's. she tried to fight the smile that was coming onto her face, but she lost.

she smiled warmly at the regent. james could not help but to smile back at her. he walked towards her and stopped right in front of her.

"welcome to scottish court, princess." he bowed, which isabelle liked. isabelle also knew that the royals were watching their every move as an engaged couple.

when james came up from his bow, isabelle moved closer to him and pressed her lips against his. james wasted no time in kissing her back.

isabelle kissed james because of the royals watching, but she also kissed james because she desired it.

james's hand rested upon her cheeks as he pulled away from her lips.
"i've missed you dearly." james whispered to the princess.

"it's nice to know that you cannot live four days without your future wife." isabelle smiled at the regent. it never struck him that it had only been four days since he left french court. it felt like weeks to him.

"well, you're here now and that is all that matters." james gazed into isabelle's eyes. he pressed one last kiss to her lips before the two would have to become a picture perfect marriage alliance.


"i don't want to know about politics, i want to know about you! what are your hobbies? tell me about your family without politics. tell me who you are." james shook his head at his future wife.

the two were residing in her chambers. isabelle had invited james to her rooms for a game of chess.

"fine. my name is isabelle de valois, i am my mother and father's first born child. i have eight siblings. i am six months older than my half-brother, sebastian. however, i am a year older than francis. i like reading, a lot. i also enjoy adventuring. i didn't like this arranged marriage, but then...well, i met you." isabelle said, her eyes glancing up at james.

"you met me? what does that mean?" he asked.
"i like you, james. i like the way you compliment me and i adore the way you look at me across a crowded room. you don't talk to me like i'm some person that you were forced to marry. you talk to me gently. i want you to know that that kiss was sincere." isabelle answered him.

it took everything in james to not kiss her. he didn't want to do anything that might ruin her reputation before they were wed just in case king henry called off their engagement.

"i did not want to love you, belle, but from the moment that i saw you in that ballroom in a fit of laughter, i knew that you were different from the ladies and women that i had met before." james said.

"james, i'm not done telling you about my family," she stated with a smile, causing the regent to raise an eyebrow over the fact that she had ignored his compliment.

"my mother is a mischevious person, but i know that she only wants the best for me and my siblings. my father is an ass, nonetheless. he never truly listens to what i want, but i know that i am his favorite daughter. bash, however, is his favorite child in general. i prefer bash over francis and i feel guilty for saying it. if my father were to pass, i am the rightful successor. the people might not like it, but it's what is right." isabelle completed, looking over at james.

he didn't care that she was talking about politics at this point, he just loved to hear her talk.

"what?" isabelle asked as she noticied that james was smiling at her. the regent got up from his seat and walked over to the princess. she stared up at him, curious as to what he was doing.

james stuart held out his hand and she accepted, standing up in front of him. he pushed her hair out of her face and looked into her blue eyes.

"i want to kiss you." james said. isabelle smiled at the regent before her.
"what's stopping you?" she asked.

"that's not all. isabelle, i want to kiss you and i want to love you, if you know what i mean by that." james added. the princess felt her breath hitch in her throat. her cheeks turned a pale shade of crimson.

"you want to make love to me? we're engaged. what's stopping you?" she repeated her initial question.

"i'm afraid that once i bed you, your father might call off our engagement and—" james stopped and looked at his fiancée.

"and i'll be ruined." isabelle completed.
"i can't be selfish and choose to destroy your future just because i have a desire." james stated.

isabelle knew that she had thoughts of james, too. a part of her wanted this just as much as he did. but another part of her wanted to protect her virtue.

she looked up into james's caring eyes. she knew that he would feel guilty if they gave into their desires before their wedding.

"i don't care. james, i just want you." isabelle whispered, pressing her lips to his, and that was the first of many passionate nights for the engaged couple.

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