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isabelle had spent most of her days exploring the scottish castle, her new home. many days she would become bored and walk through the garden the court had to offer.

this, however, was not one of those days. isabelle and james were drowning in wedding preparations, considering that it was days away now.

isabelle stood outside of the doors where james was holding a meeting with his privy council. the doors soon opened and members flooded out of the room. james was the last to leave the room and his eyes traveled over to his bride to be, causing him to smile.

"good morning, princess isabelle." he greeted with a grin.
"good morning james." isabelle responded. the two walked side by side through the castle halls.

"what did you have planned today?" james asked. isabelle began to think of her plans of the day.
"well, i tried on my dress. it's beautiful, james. i cannot wait for you to see it." she smiled, thinking about their wedding day.

"i cannot wait to see you out of it." james said, thinking about their wedding night.
"you're cheeky, james stuart!" isabelle gasped, looking at her future husband.

he smiled at her. he loved to see her reaction to when he said such things.

"i also made sure that everyone is coming. mary is coming with francis and my mother. my father sends his best wishes." isabelle rolled her eyes at her father's comment.

"enough wedding talk, belle. we still have days of it to endure." james said, linking arms wih the princess as the reached the outdoors of the castle.

"what were you meeting with the privy council about?" isabelle asked, looking towards james.
"just boring economic stuff. actually, belle, i have a question for you." the regent glanced at the princess.

the two continued to walk outdoors, passing by the garden.
"what is it?" she asked. james didn't know how isabelle would react to his question.

"do you want children? i want to know if you want to start trying the night of our wedding or if you wish to wait." james responded.

the question threw isabelle off course. she had never thought of children really. she didn't know if she wanted them.

"i suppose one day. i do not want to rush my life. if it were to happen accidentally, i would be happy, but i do not want them purposefully right now. do you want children?" she looked towards james.

"one day, of course. it's just that right now, as regent, my hands are full and i don't want to have you take care of our child every hour of the day. maybe we can have children once my regency is over." james proposed. isabelle liked that offer.

"yes, i'd like that." isabelle smiled at her fiancé.

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