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"and you really believe that i am?" isabelle looked at the physician. he nodded, resulting in a big smile from isabelle.

"i must tell james. thank you so much." the queen regent thanked the physician and she left his presence.

isabelle walked throughout the scottish halls and stopped at the doors that held james's privy council. she didn't want to interrupt their meeting, therefore she waited outside of the doors.

she saw the doors opened and privy council members flooded out of the room, but she noticed that james had not come out of the room.

stepping inside, she saw her husband, still sitting at the table.
"james? are you alright?" isabelle asked, walking over towards james.

she rested a hand on his shoulders.
"my privy council thinks that i should reach out for legitimization, but i can't help but to feel guilty about taking mary's throne." james stated.

"my love, i believe i have some news that will lighten your mood." isabelle stated. james stood and turned to his wife.
"what is it?" he asked.

isabelle smiled, trying to capture the memory of james's face before she told him the news.
"i spoke with the physician, and he has told me that i am with child." she said.

james gasped and smiled at her.
"you're pregnant? oh my, i'm going to be a father!" james grinned, kissing isabelle once again.


the couple walked through their new garden, which james had requested be made for isabelle.

"well, we must have a ball to announce your pregnancy. everyone will be delighted." james looked at his wife. isabelle wanted a more intimate setting versus a ball, but she understood why james wanted one.

"i suppose so. when do you suggest that we do it?" isabelle asked, reaching her hand out to run her fingertips delicately over the beautiful flowers of her garden.

her mind had only been wondering if she would have a boy or a girl. boys were more common within her family, but james, of course had a sister.

"i believe in a couple of weeks would be best, my love." james said.

isabelle had also never imagined being with child this early into her marriage. the princess had never imagined herself being a queen regent of a country either. at least not all at the age of eighteen.

"you're miles away, belle. what's on your mind?" james asked, breaking isabelle from her thoughts. she looked up at him with her blue eyes.

"james, all of this is happening to me and i'm so young. what if i can't handle it?" she asked. james sighed and pulled his wife into an embrace.

"belle, you're going to be okay. you are strong and you can handle whatever anyone puts in front of you. i hope our child gets that trait from you." he reassured his wife.

however, isabelle de valois still had an uneasy feeling about her future and what it held.

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