somethings wrong with adam

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I ran to art class as the late bell rang. Almost falling over my seat I managed to hold on to the table and pull out my supplies.
"Must've been really important for you to have missed art." Adam said.
"I guess you could say my opinion." And small smile crept onto my face but not on his. He looked back down as if something were bothering him.
"Watcha drawing?" I asked.
"A heart." He said. I smiled he continued to look down and draw before picking his head up and looking around.
"Where's clara?" He asked.
"Oh she's out of town." He looked at his picture and continued drawing. I started drawing mine, I started with simple strokes then I began to go deeper, in the end the result had been the shape of a rose. and suddenly for a second my heart stopped. The rose. It was beautiful but as I looked at the bottom, there was the small shape of petals dried and brittle crumpled on the ground.  It seemed so bittersweet.  Something different than what I'd usually come up with. I looked over at Adam who was completely focused on his drawing. I realized that he was drawing an actual heart, not just the shape. He was drawing something in the corner but it was just a line at the time so I couldn't exactly tell what it was. By the end of class I'd colored in the drawing and tried to look at Adam's, but before I'd done it..he'd  closed his book.
"Can I see?" I asked. He looked at me for a minute then looked down.
"Maybe some other time." He gave me a half smile before getting up but before he could do anything I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the corner.
"Hey, are you okay? You seem bothered." He shook his head and smiled.
"Its nothing." he hugged me and walked off as I yelled to him across the room.
"Wanna meet at the beach Saturday mourning with kyle and clara?" He put his thumb up as he walked away. I hoped he was okay and tired, but it sure didn't feel like it.

That Saturday mourning kyle came to my house early and we hung out before leaving for the beach. We'd been going through the "new couple phase" and I'd never been happier.
Once we'd gotten to the beach we met Clara and Adam sitting in the sand by the water .
"So what's been going on since I've left?" Clara asked. Kyle intertwined his hands in mine as he looked at me and smiled.
"Well, kyle and I are fucking each other's brains out." I said. Instantly they all looked at me wide eyed. And I burst out laughing. Kyle's cheeks became a bit pink and Adam looked completely stomped.
"Wow here I always thought you were saint egypt!" She said.
"Wow no, I'm kidding, but yeah kyle is officially my boyfriend." She smiled and looked at us but Adam said. Nothing. I was hoping for a congrats or a smile or something but he still looked stomped.
"Hey you good bro?" Kyle said to adam.
"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I'm still trying to digest the thought of you two fucking each other's brains out." We all laughed except..him... but he gave a small smile.
"What about you adam? Anything new?" He looked up at the sky then looked down.
"Nothing, just trying to get through life I guess. Just trying to get over things I can't have." Everyone went silent.
"That. Was. Deep. " Kyle said. Suddenly we all just laughed.
For the whole day we got in the water, chilled in the sand grabbed food, went to a small fair, then we all went home. I tried to stay out of his business, but I could tell something was going on with kyle, something big and I was determined to find out what it was.

Another week flew by and kyle was still moody. So I decided to lay him a visit. My mom dropped me off in his driveway, which was absolutely beautiful. I had no idea he lived in such a big and beautiful house. I walked to the door and saw a maid open it.
"How may I help you?" She said.
"May I see adam?"
"Oh...sorry he's not been feeling up for company lately..maybe another day."
"I know...that's why I'm here, I just want to check on him and find out what's going on." She sighed before letting me in and pulling me up the stairs with her. His house was beautiful everything seems so classy and detailed...something my house would know nothing about. She stopped at a door and pulled me to the side.
"Please be very patient with's the day of his sisters death so he tends to be a bit distant." Then it hit me. That's the reason..and a part of me told me to leave but knowing he'd been there for me, I knew I needed to help him.
He was laying on the bed under the covers covered head to toe. I slowly pulled the covers back and he yanked them back.
"Not now ashley! I just want to be alone!" He said.
"'s me." I pulled the covers back and he stayed still. I went around the other side to see his face. I could see the redness in his eyes, the bags and the puffiness indicating that he'd not had enough sleep.
"Please egypt, I'm sorry but I just need to be alone." I was quiet because I didn't know what to say. I couldn't help but stare at his body and his boxers.
I couldn't help it.
But then I went back to remember that I felt the exact same way the day he came to visit me.
"I know you want to be alone but, so did I the day you came to help me..and look how that went." He looked at me, still, and a bit pale. I caressed his face and felt the tears. He grabbed my hands and stopped me before I could do it again.
He let go and sniffles as he closed his eyes. Only two open them again with a maddening look on his face.
"What's wrong?" He didn't say anything. He just put his face back in his pillow. Before I could say anything he reached his hand out.
"Take your shoes off and come here."

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