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"I can't believe we did this I had so much fun!" I said. Clara and I walked into the hotel room and waited for the guys to come up. We both plopped ourselves on the bed and laid there. The Clara plopped her head up and looked at me.
"Soooo.." She said.
"What?" I replied.
"You and kyle seem happy." She raised her eyebrow at me and I smiled.
"Ok, we're kind of...back together.."
"What?! No..Egypt you need space first, plus he's leaving! you need to clear your head for a little bit before you jump back in to something temporary!"
"But clara, he convinced his dad to let him stay! Clara he chooses me! Not anyone else, not carmen! And finally I feel like we can just be normal again."

"Egypt he should have chosen you in the first place." she said.

"He did! its just that damn carmen, she the one who kissed him!"
"Egypt i understand that you want to be with kyle and that's okay but, I think you guys should get some space after this."
"Fine clara. Once we get back we'll give each other some space."
"Hey, it's your choice egypt don't do this for me, do it for yourself."
"Don't what?" Adam said as he and kyle walked in the door.
"I'm practicing...uh..mindfulness and... meditation!"
"Why? Something wrong?" Kyle said.
" know school is stressful...and sometimes I feel like I over work myself and I just want to zone out."
"Egypt you barely come to class." Adam said laughing.
"When you're on your period, sometimes even the smallest work effort can leave you feeling stressed." Clara blurted out. I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders as she smiled.
"Aww babe you could've just said that you don't have to be embarrassed."Kyle said.
"Well you know I don't usually like to announce it to people." I said glaring right at Clara afterwards.
"Don't you need us to get you something?" Adam said.
"Nah I'm fine right now, thanks adam."
We all put our stuff up then proceeded to eat snacks and watch a movie we all sat on the floor except kyle. Kyle said he had a headache so he decided to clock in early.
Halfway through the movie Clara fell asleep, and Adam and I were the only two still up. Once we'd finished the movie I still wasn't tired and I don't think Adam was either.
"Hey you wanna go on a night walk? I'm not really tired yet." I asked.
"Yeah sure." We grabbed our jackets and walked out.
"So...mindfulness and meditation huh?"
"Yup."I said.
"I don't buy it. What's going on?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"I asked. Adam stood in front of me and stopped me from walking.
"I mean I know you're not about to go meditating somewhere."
"Well how do you know? I can meditate!"
"Egypt look me in my eyes right now and tell me that there's nothing going on and that you and Clara's conversation earlier when we were out was about meditation." For a second I started to do it  but I immediately wanted to laugh so hard.
"Fine! Kyle and I got back together and now there's a chance I need to take a break and get some space before we jump back into full on couple mode." I said. Suddenly a flash of confusion spread across Adam's face.
"Back together? When did you guys break up?"
"Three days ago."
"Why?" He asked.
"Cause he was gonna leave, and because Carmen kissed him."
"So you just forgave him and got back with him?" He asked.
"Well when you put it like that..I mean.." He raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah.. I just gonna say this though I could be biased in this situation, but uh you do need to take a small break." He said.
"Yeah that's what Clara said too."
We kept walking and as we walked I thought about what Adam and Clara were saying and honestly from their point of view I sound completely stupid, maybe I should do it..
It shouldn't be hard.

The next day we finally headed back home. We left really early and made it only 30 minutes late for school. Surely we had energy cause we all drank monster energy drinks on the way here.

We all sat down in art and proceeded to work on our projects.
"Did you talk to him?" Clara asked.
"About taking a break.. have you talked to kyle?"
"No..not yet.. lunch hopefully." I said. She gave me a look and so did Adam before they both proceeded to finish their art projects.

"What?" I asked. she raised her eyebrow at me.

"You need to talk to him." she said.

"I am..I just..need time." she scoffed and then finished her art. I proceeded to finish mine but I was a bit distracted. 

The next class, I had with kyle...and carmen. ugh. I walked in and was immediately greeted by kyle as I sat down. Carmen of course, gave me a half smile and rolled her eyes. bitch.  The teacher gave us our normal instructions and lecture, before we began our "lab of the day". I was excited because we were dissecting fish. I know it sounds boring but dissecting was one of my favorite things to do...not that im a creep, I just like science.

"Egypt can you please pass me a scalpel?" Carmen asked.

"Please? wow that's a first." I said as I handed her one.

"Don't dwell on it." I rolled my eyes and began to open my fish.

"Carmen, you're cutting the wrong side." kyle said.

"How do you cut a fish on the wrong side?" I said laughing.

"That's what I want to know." Carmen said.

"You're looking for the artium, that's near the head, right now you're cutting into the gonad." He said.

"Look at you, sounding all medical and stuff." I said smiling at him.

"Is it sexy?" he said as he winked and gave me a smirk. I laughed.

"Sooo sexy." i said sarcastically.

"wow." carmen added.

"Ok, I'm going to the bathroom please wrap this terrible situation up before I get back. Ok? Thanks." Carmen said as she left.

As soon as she left kyle put his hand on my thigh underneath the table and came close to my ear.

"You should come to my place tonight." I gave him a shy smile before pushing his hand back a little and going back to my fish.

"something wrong?" He asked. I looked up and immediately crumbled internally. This was it. Time to tell him, but how? Should I just imply it? Should I make a joke about it? Should I write it i a note and slide it? no. what is this 6th grade? Before I could even think of a way it was like the words just slid out of my mouth.

"I think we need to take a break." His eyes immediately widened and a look of worry came across his face.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I come on too strong? Look egypt I'm sorry if.."

"No!" he raised his eyebrow.

"Why do you want a break?" He asked.

"Kyle, after this whole thing with you and carmen, I haven't really had time to process it and"-

"You said you were fine! Please egypt! please forgive me, I told you i'm sorry it wont ever happen again! babe i"-

"Kyle! It's not even really about that I just...need some space, just, I need a friend right now ok? I just..need a little time, and then everything will be back to normal after that." He was silent then he nodded.

"Ok, if that's what you want." He began to finish his fish, and Carmen walked right back in, right on time.

"Geez, why the long faces? I miss something?" She said. 

Yes. Yes Carmen you did. Thank God.

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