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"You just broke up with him?" Clara asked.
"Yup. But now it just doesn't feel right, I just blew up in his face and I feel awful." Clara nodded then looked up for a minute.
"Egypt, maybe you should just take a minute to really think about this and just breathe. Then you should go talk to him, ya know, give him a chance to respond and let him know why you want this."
"That's the thing! I know I'm hurt right now but I kind of still want this...I want us to work out and for some selfish reason I want him to stay."
"Egypt look, I honestly don't know what to tell you here.. just try not to be too dramatic about the situation."
"I act dramatic?" She nodded.
"Wow but hey, everything I've been through I've earned the drama." I said.

Me: kyle can you pick me up this morning?
Kyle: yea, on my way.

I was actually suprises he'd want to pick me up since I'd just broke up with him out of no where. I got dressed, packed my bag and waited downstairs. When he finally arrived I took a deep breath preparing my self to tell him how I felt.

"Kyle can we talk about what happened the other day...I just wanted to say that I didnt.."
"Before you say anything I just wanna say this...I am so sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done in the past, and I'm sorry for letting her kiss me. Egypt everyday since we have been together you have been on my mind non stop and since yesterday I haven't been able to focus, nor sleep. I know I fucked up, and I regret it so much. But I need you to come to realized that every time you say guys like me... Hurts. I may seem like the stereotypical jock or whatever but I'm not. Egypt I don't care who or what I am but I would choose you over any girl, anyday, everyday. Not because I just think you're pretty and I want to have sex with you...but because I love you. I mean technically your beautiful and I still want to have sex with you." I laughed and nudged his arm.
"Wow. I have to be honest, I did not expect that ending but the whole speech was nice." He laughed.
"Well adding to that speech I'm hoping you'll take me back and continue our relationship." He said.
"That's the thing kyle, I don't want to get into this cause I know you have to leave and I don't want to get my hopes up and have to say goodbye."
"Well it's a good thing you don't have to say goodbye then.
"Wait, what? You're staying?!"
"My dad said I can stay, I didn't want to go to that college anyway! Plus, my dad was very happy to see me fight for someone I love, of course that's how he is, he may be a big time producer who's rich and has power, but he's a sucker for love."
"Kind of like you?" I said.

"Nah I'm more of a fighter for love. I'd fight for you anyday, everyday, for as long as I live." I kissed him and then opened my door.
"Get out I'm driving." I said.
"Can you even drive?"
"Not legally, you're still rich though right and you have a license?"
"Yes but..."
"Okay I doubt we'll get in trouble but if you get a ticket or whatever just pay for it." He hesitated for a minute laughed and got out.
"Okay I guess you're driving then." I got in and pulled off. Speeding a bit we left and went down the road.
"Where are we going? Schools that way!"
"Road trip!" He looked at me like I was crazy
"Let's go to DC it's not that far! We can go to a museum, see a movie, get some food, walk around,  get a hotel then we can come back tomorrow and be here on time for school! I have some money I can pay for this." I said.
"Well first off wow. Second Ok, and third I'll pay. And back to number one this is so random yet very intriguing."
"Well then let's go!" I said.
"You wanna invite Adam and clara?"
"Perfect! Group road trip!" We called everyone and Adam agreed, and Clara came cause her parents were out of town. Even though it was crazy out of the blue, it was the one thing I knew we all could use.

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