study session

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Once I got to adam's place we went up to his room immediately and I rushed for him to shut the door.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"Yea, carmen's in my house, laying in my bed, and I'm taking care of her for some reason cause she's got a black eye and a swollen lip."
"What?! What happened?" He asked.
"I don't know yet. She looked like she just needed some rest so I made her comfortable gave her some pain killers and let her rest."
"You think she might've talked about the wrong person or something?" He said.
"I don't know...maybe...probably." We stood in silence for a minute before going to his room.

We sat down on his bed and he began taking his work out. I looked out the window and stared at the sky until..something hit me.

I tried not to think to hard about it, I felt like it would be crazy, so I suppressed it and held it in. But then Adam put his hand on my shoulder and on my hand to get my attention.
"You good? What's in your head right now?" Adam asked.
"'s just, I was thinking...-"
"Yes egypt?"
"What if it was kyle? What if he..."
"Egypt, I don't think-"
"He never showed up at lunch adam! Oh my God! He's probably blaming her for us taking a break!"
"Egypt. I really don't think he would do that. Look, I think kyle just needed space after you told him you wanted to take a break, it's a normal reaction. Plus, remember when I needed space after I told you about my feelings for you? I don't think kyle did it. At all. And I don't want you to think it either. He's not that kind of guy."
Adam stroked my hair, and I looked back out the window.  Truth is he was right. I don't know what I was thinking, kyle would never do that.
I helped him with calculus and we decided to order Chinese afterwards.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked.
I put my egg roll down and stared at the wall for a second.  What was I gonna do?
"I'm gonna help her. And then, I guess I need to find kyle."


"So your ex boyfriend did this to you and now you're saying he got caught with drugs and just got arrested 10 minutes ago?...Carmen what the hell is your life?" She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"My life is crap. Honestly." I was shocked to hear her say something like that. Especially since she seemed perfect. Well, they always do in the movies.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"My parents are divorcing, my father's gay, and my moms business isn't booming right now." Damn. For someone who hates me, she spilled her guts pretty easy.
"Wow. I, honestly, don't know what to say."
"It's probably best you didn't say anything." We sat in silence for a minute and I looked at her, she immediately glanced at me and rolled her eyes.
"Its fine, I'm fine, you don't have to pity me." She said.
"Pity you? Carmen I don't pity you."
"Then don't look at me like that!" She yelled.
"Fine. So, your not caught up in your ex boyfriend's whole drug thing are you?" I asked.
"NO. It has nothing to do with me at all." She drunk some water and looked across the room. She looked in the mirror at her self and fixed her hair. Curiosity instantly sprung up in my mind, about her life, what she felt, and what she was thinking about as she fixed her hair. I did pity her a bit, but I didn't want to mainly because I knew what unwanted pity felt like.
"Look I'll get out of your way, I need to go home to take care of the house." She said.
"Your parents dont..."
"My parents aren't home at the moment. Thank God honestly, they'd kill me if they found out what happened." She got up and winced in pain as she got out of the bed. She seemed a bit off balance and I caught her and helped her back down.
"Hey, since their out of town, and you're still pretty weak...I think maybe you should just stay here and rest...JUST atleast till tomorrow morning, and before I go to school I'll take you home. I'm sure my mom won't mind, she hasn't even really been around lately."
"JUST until tomorrow. Then I'm leaving." She repeated.
"Exactly." I said.

I went to go get my phone when I heard a knock at the door.

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