the best day

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When I walked in the school I went straight to my locker. I saw some stares in the hall way and it was a bit silent but I figured they would be there so I just ignored them. As I opened my locker, it got stuck for a min. But when I got it open about a hundred small envelopes fell out of my locker.
"Seriously?!" I said loudly. Everyone kept looking and it was almost dead silent. I was confused and worried at the same time, that is until I opened one.

You're so pretty, she's such a bitch for what she did to you. You're not fat, and  and I never got to say thank you for that pencil in math. You know I always forget ;)

You are not fat. By the way I love your outfit .

Don't listen to the haters

You shouldn't have been suspended, quite frankly you're the first person that stood up to that bitch you deserve a medal. By the way, you're hot.

I laughed a little as the tears came to my eyes and the people staring started to smile.
Then in the back corner of my locker I noticed a bigger letter. As I read it I realized that it was from kyle:

What she did was inexcusable. I promise you, I had nothing to do with what she did. Egypt I have to admit, I like you. I think you're beautiful. I think you're cute when you laugh, and even cuter when you're scarfing down Jalapeños trying to prove a point. And by the way sorry I flashed you..kind of. Anyway, I want this afternoon to be a date, not just any old hangout. Why? Because I am constantly thinking about you, and when you stopped talking to me, I felt like I'd lost a part of me. I want you to know that carmen and I are not together, nor will ever be. I don't know what happened to her but I honestly don't care. She hurt someone that I truly care about and I will not forgive her for that. So yea I wanted to know...
Will you go out with me?
P.s. I know this was a terrible letter and that it was all over the place but you know I'm bad at writing so.. yea.

I looked at him as he was standing in front of me. I wiped away my tears and ran into his arms.
"Did you do this?" I asked.
"Yeah. I was hoping you'd like it."
I squeezed him tighter and hugged me back suddenly he put his hand on my cheeks and came closer.
Oh my gosh is he gonna.....
"So is this a yes?"
Oh. I mean I wasn't expecting a kiss or anything ya know...
"Yes kyle I will go on a date with you!" He smiled and pulled me in for another hug. 

There was a smile on my face the entire school day.
People were saying hi to me in the hallways, I made some new general aquaintances, and a couple of guys were flirting with me. The attention made me happy, but it did upset me that it took this long to get this respect.
At the end of the day I saw kyle waiting leaning against his car on the parking lot.
"Look who's grinnin"
"You're smiling too!" I said as we got in the car.
"You ready?" He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Where are we headed?"
"Sex on the beach." My smile instantly faded as he erupted with laughter.
"I'm kidding."
"Wow kyle. No but seriously."
"I dont know if you noticed some of the construction on the beach last time we came, but they just finished building this restaurant on the beach and it's really nice. I got us a seat next to these huge windows that they have so we can see the water from there. I smiled.
"Sounds fun" He smiled and we listened to the radio till he pulled up.
I reached for the door but he grabbed my arm.
"No. Wait here." Then he got out and opened my door helping me out.
"Thank you sir." I said playfully.
"Your welcome." He said. we headed in together and got our seats. He was right the widows were huge, basically the entire wall. It didn't matter because it was beautiful and you could see everything. The water the boats, and I couldn't wait for sunset.
We both decided to order seafood. We got a huge king sized seafood platter and decided to share.  Everything looked soooo good. I tried not to pig out but, eventually I did.
"You wanna try some of my lobster?" He asked.
Literally I started internally screaming when he put his fork out.
"Open your mouth." He said I did and he slid the lobster in my mouth. I smiled and looked out of the window realizing that it was sunset.
"Kyle look!" I said pointing out of the window. The sunset was absolutely beautiful. The sky was an array of pinks, purples, and oranges and the sun was resting on the horizon.
"What?" I said. Kyle was staring at me smiling and saying nothing.
"You're making me nervous." I said.
"Good then it's working." He said referencing to when I stared him down in the jalapeño challenge.
After about an hour and a half we were both full and took our stuff to go as we got back in the car. I fell asleep about 5 minutes into the ride and kyle woke me up once we got home.
"Maybe this weekend we can get together with Clara and adam?" He said.
"Yeah I haven't seen Clara in a bit"
"She went to ohio."
"Oh. So you and Adam are on speaking terms now?"
"Yeah I talked to him the day after we got suspended, he still seemed a bit angry but today he seemed fine."
"Oh he didn't mention that yesterday."I said.
"Oh...yeah Adam called and asked if he could come inside and talk. So we talked and ate pizza. Then he left."
"Oh. He didn't mention that either." Kyle said. After that there was an awkward silence.
"I had a really nice time, thanks for taking me."
"My pleasure." He said smiling. We hugged and then slowly pulled away.
"Well uh...goodnight." He said. He turned around and walked away. On the outside I told my self to be quiet don't do anything I might regret.
But on the inside I knew what I wanted to do, so I did it.

I walked up behind him and grabbed his arm.
"Wait."i said.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"I wanted another hug. I think."
"You wanted another hug? You think?"
"No." I said. He looked at me with confusion then smiled.
"You are adorable."He said.
"Wait...wha.." suddenly next thing I knew we were kissing. It was a slow kiss yet it was quick. He smiled and got in his car as I walked back to my door. As soon as I got inside I screamed yes a million times. Then screamed and fell when I saw my mom standing in the kitchen.

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