Betting in the rain.

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"So he's just...gone?" Carmen said. I nodded as she got up to grab her jacket.  I heard a small groan from her and suddenly she clenched her stomach.
"You sure you're up for go-kart?" I asked.
"Yea shutup I'm fine."
"You know, you keep it up with the shutup thing, I'll be sure to knock you into the barrier when we race." She looked at me with a smile before responding.
"I'd like to see you try. I am a master at go-kart racing." Little did she know I was the king of go-karts.
"Wanna bet?" I said.
"Totally. How about this, I win, egypt you have to drive me around for the week, tell me how amazing and beautiful I am and ur doing my essay for government." She requested. Damn that's a lot. Good thing I'm gonna win.
"Carmen, if I win you have to be nice to me, no insults for a month, ur doing my government essay, and I am proofreading it, and u have to parade around talking about how great I am." We shook hands to close the deal and headed to the car.
"Start thinking of ur compliments carmen, and make em good cause I'm taking note of each and every one of them." I said. She rolled her eyes and I laughed as we began to pull off. 
As I we headed there it began raining really hard. Luckily it was indoor go-karting. As we got closer I noticed the rain starting to pickup more.

"Carmen wanna take a raincheck on today and just watch a movie?"
"It's just a small storm egypt, I'm sure it'll past we're almost there anyway."
So I kept driving, I quickly got on the parkway so we could get there faster. I turned up some music and focused on the road. The driver in front of me was driving weirdly and was slowing down and speeding up, I quickly got in front of him and went up a bit because I had no clue what he was doing. Suddenly the driver started speeding up and tailgating me.
"What the hell is this guy doing?" I said Carmen looked back and signaled for him to go around since he was in a rush all of a sudden. He came around and flipped me off immediately for no reason. Whatever. I just rolled my eyes and kept driving he slowed down in front of me again and I just went around him and made a turn to get off on an exit. I heard the car start to speed up again and thought nothing of it that is until...
"Egypt i think he's following you...Egypt he's going really fast-"
"What the hell is he doing?! I know Carmen I'm trying to get aw-" and just like that we'd derailed and started flying across the barrier into the woods. A series of screams ran out of Carmen and even though I knew I couldn't for some reason my hands were still on the wheel trying to get some sort of control on the car but before I knew it my head hit something and I blacked out.

Adams POV

"Clara, have you heard from-" My heart stopped for a second and I almost dropped my phone.
"Adam what's wrong?" Clara said.
"WE GOTTA GO EGYPTS BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT." I ran to grab my keys we left our food and ran out the door. As I drove thoughts instantly ran through my mind.
Was she Ok?
Is she conscious?
Is she dead?
All I saw was the text from her mom saying she'd been in a car accident. Seeing my snapchat we hadn't talked in 18 hours and she hadn't replied to my texts. I figured she was just busy or something. Though my gut did think something was up, maybe cause she always texts back.
Clara was facing the window with a frozen look on her face, I knew she was probably thinking the same things, probably wondering if she was okay, after all I don't think egypt knows how much she has helped clara, nor do I think she realizes that Clara sees her as a sister.
My head started to hurt. I started thinking of all the things I've ever wanted to say to egypt. She knows I have feelings for her, but out of respect I never said the things I wanted to say to her. How I thought about her almost everyday, the cute things she'd do, how much I cared about her, how beautiful she was even the one thing I'd  never said.
Thank you for keeping me from committing suicide. I was gonna overdose on sleeping pills before she came to my house, before she layed next to me, before I saw her face and I knew that I wanted to see her smile everyday.

As we pulled up to the parking lot we ran inside. After finding her room seeing her restless mother in the hall way, seeing her, nearly killed me. The scar on her face from the glass, the bruises, the cuts on her body. Her eyes were closed, she was alive but unconscious. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do, how to appropriately react, how to stay calm.
Then suddenly everything wasn't silent anymore.
"Oh my God egypt! Is she gonna be okay?! What happened?" Her mother with tears streaming down her face approached clara.
"Carmen and egypt were going go-kart racing and they were hit by some crazy drunk driver." She said. I was still frozen no words could come out. I just stood there watching her, hoping that somehow she would wake up, praying she wouldn't be in pain, wishing the scars and bruises could magically dissappear.
"Where's carmen Oh my God is she.."
"No, she's in surgery. Carmen had a miscarriage during the accident. " Clara had a shocked look on her face and for the moment I looked at her she looked at me and her whole face changed.
"Adam...she's gonna be okay....they both are...right?" Clara said asking egypt mom.
"They found them hours after the accident, egypt was unconscious but carmen wasn't. Carmen was slipping in and out but at some point she managed to call 911. They said she hit her head really hard but the damage wasn't severe. She dislocated her shoulder, and sprained her neck. They gave her meds and she's under watch. That's all I've been told. Now we wait for her to wake up." Her mom looked at me and I still couldn't say anything. I just stared back.
"He's in love with her." Clara said. I couldn't feel anything when she said that. I didn't know whether to be angry or not. I just stared at her then looked back at egypt.
I felt Clara clasp my arm and hug me.
When she did that a tear instantly fell. Mainly because I wished that the person hugging me was egypt.
For hours the doctors and nurses came in and out checking on us, checking on her. Around 10:00 Clara had to leave she told me she'd take and uber and I could stay. I just looked at her she hugged me, then left her mother had fallen asleep in the reclining chair and I know I had to go home cause of school and stuff but I'd decide I was staying and wasn't gonna go until she'd woken up. I finally got the courage to say something and do something that I know egypt would want me to do.
"Ms. Dawson, I can stay here with egypt tonight I know you're tired and u have work. I can keep you update until you get back. I'm not leaving her side." I said. I did this because egypt would do it, because she put others first. Because she's just that amazing. At first her mother hesitated before agreeing. She packed her stuff gave egypt a see you soon held her hand and left. I sat next to her and laid my head next to her hip I turned facing her and looked at her till I started drifting to sleep.
Then 5 mins later the nurse woke me up to ask if I was gonna be an overnight visit. When I told her yes she offered me a pillow but I just laid my head on the bed next to her, kissed her soft hand and rested it on my cheek.

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