missing something

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I watched him as he ate the maid was happy and thanked me for getting him to eat. She was still worried but told me that she could get him to sleep again. I told her about the pills and she promised she wouldn't give him any.
"Goodbye adam." He said nothing and walked upstairs. Didn't he understand? I just wanted to help him. Once I got back home I realized kyle had called and texted me, but I was too worried about Adam to answer.

The next day, I went to check up on kyle. I felt bad for neglecting him, plus I forgot I was supposed to meet him yesterday.
"Hey babe." He kissed me on the cheek. I didn't think it was in my power to tell him about Adam so I put on a smile and kept my mouth shut.
"Hey kyle, sorry I haven't been feeling well lately so I've been sleeping." The lie slipped out of my mouth so easily. Too easily, but I just went with it.
"Aww you should have told me. I would have bought you some soup or something."
"Nah I'm fine." I sat next to him on the couch and looked at the tv.
"Hey Clara's back. Wanna see if we can get everyone together again?" He looked at me and smiled...it was just so sad because he just had no idea how bad of an idea it was.
"I don't know..maybe...it can just be us?" He smiled. He kissed me slowly on the lips then down my neck then stopped. And got up.
"I'm gonna make some food."
"What was that?" I asked.
"What?" He replied.
"So you're not even gonna try to seduce me?"
"Did you want me to?"
"I dont know. Maybe. No. I don't know?" He looked at me and smiled.
"Your not ready for that yet." I scoffed.
"I think I'd know when I'm ready to at least have someone TRY to seduce me!"
" You're to pure right now. You don't need that. Just be my princess right now."
"I can totally be seduced and I can seduce."
He raised his eyebrow and looked at me.
"Okay. Since you're so ready...come over here and seduce me." Was not expecting that.
"Okay. Come sit down." He walked over to the couch and sat down.  I looked at him before climbing on top of him and straddling him as I slowly pressed my lips against his. I took his hands and guided them up from my thigh to my breast, around them, then down  between my legs as we slowly began to rock and he began to sit up and I pushed him back down to the couch and got off.
"There." He looked and smiled then laughed.
"I can do better than that."He pulled me back toward him then flipped me under him on the couch. As we were kissing the doorbell rang.
"DAMMIT." I said he laughed.
"Never was gonna happen anyway, atleast not tonight."
"What why?!" I said as he got up.
"I told you you're not ready. " I scoffed. He went to open the door and suddenly a familiar voice that I'd always hated answered the door.
"Ready for what?" Of course. But what the hell was she doing here?
"Carmen...what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Usually I would slap you and kiss you asking you why you were answering me like that..but now I see why." She looked at me with an evil look.
"Ughhhhhh Carmen what ARE you even doing here? Came back for more?" She rolled her eyes.
"Well if you must know, you little prick. I'm staying with kyle for two weeks."
"WHAT?!" Kyle and I both said.
"Kyle's father said I could stay here while my parents left, this way getting to school and stuff won't be a hassle. Plus it's a great way to bond with kyle." Seriously? ! After everything. Now I have to freaking stay with kyle for two weeks to make sure she doesn't do anything. Yeah no.
"You're kidding right." Suddenly kyle got a message and shook his head.
"No. She's not."
"I have a better question. What are YOU doing here?" She said looking at me.
"I'm here with my boyfriend about to eat dinner." She looked around then looked back at me.
"Who honey? The air?" Then she looked at kyle who was making a face at her.
"You can't be serious kyle, that's low, even for you."
"Shutup carmen, egypt is my girlfriend and I'm in love with her."
Did he just say......
The whole room was silent. Surprisingly that included carmen.
"Have you guys fucked yet?" I looked down. Then she laughed.
"Can't be that in love with her if you're not even willing to screw her like you screwed me." She laughed.
"That's enough carmen!" Maybe she was right. Maybe he just said that to make me feel better. Maybe my "pureness" brought him memories of the girl from before. The one that made everyone want to vomit.
"I can't be in the same room with her. You know what kyle I'm gonna go I'll see you later. " I ran out without even saying goodbye to kyle and I ignore the sound of his voice calling my name.

I went to go back and check on Adam but when I got there the maid ran to me and told me something that scared me half to death.
" He's gone. He left last night had to be after I left."
"What!?" Before she could say anything I ran to my moms car that I borrowed, and instantly began calling him. Nothing. Shit. Nothing. NOTHING! he never answered and by the end, I'd filled his mailbox. I drove around everywhere all night ignoring calls from surprisingly eve, Clara,  kyle, and my mom. I knew she was still out on a business trip, luckily for her it's free. I needed a vacation. But at the time, that was the least of my worries. All I could think about was finding adam.
All damn day I searched for him till almost midnight and know one knew anything. The search went for about a week since we were on a break. I tried to keep it from everyone because I didn't want him to be any angrier with me than he already was...but at the moment I was angry at him. I'd fallen asleep in the car. And when I woke up I realized I was late for school. I had no time to do anything so I just drove there.
I walked in no sign of any of my friends but then I saw him. Adam.
"WHERE. THE. ABSOLUTE. FUCK. DID. YOU. GO." He looked at me and said nothing.
"I thought I told you not to check on me." I scoffed. Was he fucking serious?! What the hell is going on with him?!
"I've been up days and nights looking for you ignoring time with my boyfriend while he's living with fucking carmen...and ignoring everyone because I was worried about you!"
"Why?" I was stumped.
"Why egypt?! Sorry you missed time with your fucking boyfriend." He started to walk away but I pulled him back.
"Why are you acting like this?"
"Just leave me alone OK egypt! Just let me have time to myself."
"NO I want to help you like you helped me because I care!"
"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE EGYPT?! I'M FINE AND I HONESTLY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND OR YOUR EMOTIONS, OR WHATEVER THE FUCK IS GOING ON. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET AWAY FROM ME!" He'd caused a scene and everyone was staring. You'd expect that when you hear a random Australian going on a rampage in the hallway. He had a redness in his eyes and I knew he hadn't gotten any sleep.  But it didn't matter. I was hurt. Suddenly I saw kyle.
"Hey what the fuck is your problem adam?!" He yelled.
"Fuck off kyle!" Adam walked past him but kyle stopped him.
"Dude. Go fucking apologize to my girlfriend!" Adam started to make a fist and I ran between them. I pushed kyle back and he scoffed.
"Just go." I said. And Adam walked away. It felt like I'd been punched. I'd been rejected before but not by someone I actually cared about. Someone who I'd invested my time and care in. And it hurt like a bitch.
"Egypt are you okay whats going on.."
"I'm not really in the mood. I'm going to class." He stopped me and kissed me on the forehead. And carmen came around the corner laughing.
"Aww your boy toy looks tired of being toyed with. He looked absolutely disgusted by you. Man, you are just not good with guys. Maybe that's why no one's actually willingly seduced you yet." My blood boiled.
"NO yes...look it's hard to explain i.." I just walked away. It felt to sad to handle right now. She just laughed as I walked out. She was right. I'm terrible with guys. Guess she just had something I was missing.

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