What's in a name?

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Outside the cottage at a length of about a mile was a small well. It is like we've migrated to a village. As far as one could Stretch his eyes no other civilization could be seen. However, the house was high and if we crossed the gate one could see a few mansion afar but that was still further into the boundaries.
We were offered dinner every night at our cottage but lunches were hard. We tried to deny the lunch invitation at Manor house but Mr. Elahim was persistent with his requests. Now I was three weeks into this schedule and my chin now had availed the courage to lift itself. I started noticing the family with short glances.
The father and his sons were made of platinum, strong and durable. Their backs were erect, their heads were strong, their chins were high and they were arrogant. They had manners in which they sat upon their seats brought exasperation to me, their spines were parallel to their chest. Neither they would bend nor relax their selves. They were like machines, never I heard a word from them. In a span of a long lunch, their eyes would not blink. They seemed cold and mute. I could not see beyond the sight they would offer and I could sense that it was all controlled.
In addition, the food was so hard to swallow with their table manners. They ate like they were at the royal table, I was tired of seeing them use their fork and knives for peas, we had boiled peas every day. The displeasure would float mine and Fateh's face when the 'healthy meal' would arrive, I'd rather have raw leaves from the garden but yet the food did not disturb as much as the manner and their straight backs did. When I'd lie down in the night my back would ache with the thought their backs at the table.
Not only the brothers but the father himself was a strange being. He enjoyed the company of my father, almost after lunch till the evening they would spend their time together. After a few days, Fateh too spent his times at the mansion. It was me and grandma, we received no notice. We were nonexistent to them. I would kill my time almost staring the unusual abode.
Meantime I met a woman who lived in the underground chambers of the house. She was the cook of the house. She befriended my grandma. They both found pleasure in each other's company. She was an old woman, round in her figure and lines on her face. She was soft in her tone and gentle with her affection on our wounded souls. She had a daughter who was in her late forties. These two women were of the house but still by words people said that Dar al maqamah had no women. I was delighted to come across such amiable ladies. After lunch, they would sometimes come to grandma and by the sunset, they would return. The days were passing gradually but my heart was not at rest. I ate but my hunger wasn't quenched. Dad joined Mr. Elahim with the work of his personal secretary. Mr. Elahim had fluctuating moods, when happy he would laugh and speak on and on. Would be pleased with all the things around and wouldn't stop laughing and patting backs but when he would be in his bad temper, his eyes would glare like a lion. He had no regards for me or my grandmother. The thrive to do something drove me anxious and one day I spoke to the dear ladies. Mrs. Salma and her daughter Mrs. Kasheefa. I poured my heart out to them, I told them the need for me to do something; so one day we could live as respectable a life we did back then. My need to work... To do whatever in my power to share the responsibility with my father. She sympathized with me and then she said "there is no work but of a helper in the mansion...You are not to be a helper, you are our guest...."

My heart shrank. A servant?
I nodded.

The next day after the lunch Mrs. Kasheefa came to me. "Miss would mind the job of bookkeeping?"

The words lifted my spirits, I grabbed my scarf and slipped my shoes.

"grandma....should I leave?" I asked impatiently.
She did not break her breath so I hurried with Mrs. Kasheefa to the mansion.

"My dad had a library. I have grown up practically in one" I said with my breath catching up.

"Well Soon you have to take care of one" she stated.

The Elahim BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now