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I was in the parking space. Waiting for the car.

"Falaq-Naaz " a voice called.

Miss Scarlett Rosalind and her beautiful curls resting on her delicate frame.

"Miss Rosalind, Hello" I greeted.

Eventually I have realized that she and I are on the same book but different page.

"How are you? " she asked.

"I am good. How are you? "

"I am absolutely fine. How is Al-Hassan? " she did not miss a moment to ask about him.


"I do not know" I simply said.

"But..... You married Al-Souffian?"

"Yes. I suppose we are married " I crawled in awkwardness.

"Congratulations. Why? " she was perplexed.

"We..... I don't know " I breathed out.

"Blo*dy Old man" she cursed opening her purse.

She handed me her card. Miss Scarlett Rosalind Mattews in italics on her Corporate card.

"if you need any help. Do not hesitate to contact me. I live nearby "she smiled.

"Sure" I gulped.

"We are all are the prey of the same predator " she stated as she raised her eyebrow at my wedding ring. She passed a smile and walked away.

I returned home.

Al-Souffian is watching a movie.
I sat beside.

A Romantic Comedy.

He laughed at the joke and I looked at him, surprised.

He smiled to the dialogue and again I look at him.

Pure. Innocent. Child like. The quality of the Elahim Brothers.

We both were engrossed. The love making scene appeared. I moved away. His eyes fixed on the screen.

Now Scarlett Johansson is taking off her top,I ran,picked the remote and switched off.

"Were you going to watch her naked? " I fumed.

"No, I was going to watch you naked but then I forgot I did not ask for your permission. So... Plan cancelled " he adjusted himself shamelessly.

"immorality at it's finest " I hissed.

"immorality would be not sleeping with you Falaq-Naaz. Actually impotency"

"psst you are making me uncomfortable " I rose from the couch and walked away.

It was the night again. The Dark and scary nights with Al-Souffian where I do not know what he would turn into.

I lied close to him.

"Al-Souffian. Am I weird? " I asked.

"Weird?  What is weird? "

"Strange... Am I strange? "

"Am I strange? " he asked and I nodded. "Then we can make a strange couple. I do not care at all"

"Being married is uncomfortable " I confessed.

"What is different? " he asked.

"Sleeping beside a Man "

"Am I not handsome? "

I laughed.

"You are Handsome" I said.

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