Fall beneath Autum

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I live like I have no self-esteem. Why do I live here?
Sometimes it gets hard. Sometimes too easy.

I gently opened the kitchen door. I ate alone in the kitchen before lunch time so I could surpass their circle. However, Al-Wildan kept muttering of how rude my gesture was. I was silent. Like I said sometimes it gets too easy.

"Are people very fond of you in the city?" Wildan executes his random doubts on me.

"Not really" I answered stiffly

He came with a white rabbit, so beautiful in his hands but I fear animals so I took a step back.

"You mustn't be afraid. They are very loving" he speaks cuddling the creature closer to him.

I slightly smiled but I dare come close.

In the evening Fateh wanted me to take him to the brothers but I was hesitant. Meanwhile, my dad's return postponed. After much raging with the little stubborn boy, I gave in. I escorted him to the living area on the first floor where I managed to pass a slip as there was oil scattered.

"Al-Wildan, please handle him" I panted.

He gladly picked Fateh in his arms.

"Call her " I heard Al-Wais commanding.

"Me?" I asked.

"Not you. Mrs. Salma" Al-Shizad interjected.

"Has my Father called lately?" I asked Al-Wais.

"Yes. He is well. He would be calling again in the evening"

I was returning to the guest room when Al-Wais grunted "Mrs. Salma!" Loud enough to scare me.

With that passing through we heard a loud thumping sound like a fall from the stair. They all rushed outside I stood at the side with Fateh.

The servant escorted me from the back stairs. I knew someone had fallen.

In the evening before my worries would bury me I burst the lobby door.

Mrs. Salma had a fall from the staircase. She had a fracture in her arm and she twisted her ankle. Such a lady of a heavy body was injured and shaken.
I sat down beside her, I ran my eyes throughout her small wounds. Pity. Pity. Then I felt absurd. Absurd and angry. It was Al-Wais's fault. I hotly channeled my anger to him with a glare.

I would either be within that guest room or with Mrs. Salma. Poor lady could not move nor rest. She felt excruciating pain in her entire body she fell more than twenty stairs. Mrs. Kahseefa had twice the work in the kitchen. I could see the unfortunate lady in the bed and look after her. The brothers would come once or twice to visit. I wouldn't stay in the same room with them, I would leave when they would enter.
What for this arrogance? She is an old lady!

In this entire week, I have only found Al-Wildan more frequently attending her. Is he like her mother? Cause none of them to seem different from their father except him.

The other couple of days all except Al-Wildan visited Mrs. Salma.

"How is she now?" Asked Al-Wais.

"She is better now" the doctor stated.

They walked outside the room with the doctor whilst I gathered her medicine on the table alongside the door.

I heard the doctor state "and Al-Wildan would take time to recover. How is Al-Souffian?"

"Better" Al-Wais spoke as he moved further.

Later that night I saw Al-Hassan and I asked. "Where is Al-Wildan?"

"I'm afraid he isn't in good health. He has caught the flu. He is in his room"

"Can I see him?"


I entered the room and found Al-Wildan pale and weak.

"He looks so weak," I said with the fear blocking my voice.

"He worries me as well," Al-Hassan said leaning over his brother sadly.

Now my routine added frequent visits to Al-Wildan. His health kept deteriorating. I felt helpless. A particular day arrived when the doctor almost lost him. I grew apprehensive. The brothers were wearier than I. Had I ever thought I could witness and restore my faith in love, but I did.

The Elahim brothers were pure. Every single night as it would get cold they would gather around Al-Wildan, their faces would drop and all of them would lean over him, give him their warmth. I would stare from a distance. They would not leave him for a single stance, they would protect him, breath every breath with him. Their eyes were fixed on him. The entire week went with a silent solemnity.
Mrs. Salma was recovering. It was Wednesday, the doctor's day to visit.
I eagerly bent from the window to hear what he'd say. Though I heard faintly his words they destroyed the floor beneath me.

"Pray for him. I am sorry but I cannot do anything now" the doctor's word had taken me to another condition.

I loathe deaths. Death is cruel. It took away my mother, it took away my grandfather but it shan't take away Wildan. It cannot take Al-Wildan.

The brothers were steel, their appearance wouldn't alter but the tremble of the souls would be felt in the air. I chew on the nervousness. There could be some way.

I rubbed Al-Wildan's hands. Prayed and prayed that he'd wake up and smile, days passed but nothing of him was left. Simultaneously Al-Shizad was ruining himself. He would stay almost silent the entire day, they would force food onto themselves but nothing was changing the state of Al-Wildan.

Al-Wais at first seemed strongest but I could see when no one was around him he would lay beside Wildan. Kiss his hands. Adore his brother like a father adores his child.

Soon Mr.Elahim returned and my father with him. I was delighted to see my father but smiling seemed too strange with the aura beheld in the house.

With Mr.Elahim they grew more firm in actions. They now seldom visited Al-Wildan. My heart would ache, why?

"Life eliminates the weak and the one who stays back with the weak is weaker" Mr. Elahim stated to his sons.

How cruel....how unaffectionate...

The Elahim brother under the wrap of their father returned to their machine-like lives. Eat their portion, speak their phrases and act in control.

I dejected their immorality.

The passages fell barren. The silence deeper.

I would see myself in the vast room of Al-Wildan so small and helpless that I would every single day at the hands of life break down.

It was partly my mother's condition that would wrap me, a bad memory of her last days.

I would rub his hands and run my fingers in his hair.

Al-Wildan was my only friend here, there was unexplainable regard I felt for him. I saw Fateh in him, Fateh himself saw a brother in him. I saw the serpent of death that I scorned in him, the same I saw in my mother, with such comparisons yet no reason I loved Al-Wildan. I wanted him to wake up. Stand like a mountain and speak of his random questions but he did not.

He did not.......

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