Jack loves Rose

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I sitched another slit on the sleeves of the dress.

Al-Wildan's attention is at the needle, swinging alongside his eyes.

"May I try? " he asked.

I handed him the needle and smiled as he struggled.

He scrunched his nose and fixed his glasses.

"I'll give it back to you tomorrow " he announced and stuffed the dress at the side.

Perfection is needed.

I shook my head.

"Al-Wildan where shall you be at, if you wouldn't be here? " this time it was me asking his question.

"I do not know. Where else can be better Al-Shizad? " he was perplexed.

"I would be at Work in a real office, the high tower, in a city. Big City. I do not know if it could be better but that is one thought" he answered.

"Then I would be with you. Wherever you would be" a child-like love for his twin.

"I can bet, Al-Hassan would want to stay in Paris" Fateh said putting his hands back.

"No. Not at all. I would flee to Afghanistan or Greater Himalayas. Northern Ireland... " Al-Hassan detested.

"And you Al-Souffian? " I asked.

"Huh. Me? I would be here, centuries passed. I would always be here. This is my home. Nothing can replace it, not even a second life" he spoke sharply.

"Al-Wais? " Now Fateh sticks my question to him.

"Wherever my Father would please for me to be" he answered without a thought.


"I want to live within white flowers" Al-Wildan said and the smile distributed itself.

Ar-Danish comes in, in pyjamas loose and in T-shirt with no sleeves.

"Do you have a reason to walk naked? Or is it a habit? " Al-Souffian frowns.

He ignores. He sat with Al-Hassan and talked, mindless chatters.

And out of a sudden he speaks to me
"Falaq are you free? "

I did not answer.

"let's go watch a movie , you'd be getting bored here" he added.

I still preferred silence.

"We can watch Titanic, all girls love Titanic " he remarked.

Titanic, Jack loves Rose. He died for Rose. Jack loved her, 'I am your Jack and you are my Rose' the gaudy voice of a fallacious man dodged into me.

"No thank you" I said and rose to my feet.

"Ay come on Falaq, it's just a movie?! " he urged.

Your Athar... Nothing but bad memories.
I am your Jack and you can be my Rose, you love Titanic, I'd love you more than Jack loves Rose
I shook my head.

"You're coming right? " he raised his eyebrows.

"No,I cannot " my feeble voice matched my feeble knees. I turned to leave

"Ay Falaq don't be so rude! Come" he caught my wrist.

Falaq Jack loves Rose.

They all stood up, there was the fierce fire of anger in the air. I looked at him, my eyes widening in disapproval.

They all were near red in aspect;leaning to destroy his being. He quickly sensed the air and immediately my wrist was left.

Al-Souffian teeth set in a hard line, he looked at Al-Wildan.

Al-Wildan took me inside.

"it's alright " I told the Elahim Brothers who had stood standing with closed fists reading to punch.

I stumble across the bed and sat. When will these bad memories would untie the surface of my frame.

I am tired.

I placed my head on the pillow.
Closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes after a few dull dreams to Al-Hassan standing before the bed.

I settled myself.

"Sorry Falaq-Naaz, I was worried "
He spoke in a whisper.

"I am alright "

"You look troubled "

"Troubled? I reckon I am more confounded"

"Confounded? "

"perhaps not, more of ....I do not know. I wonder what I am speaking? "

"You do not seem alright Miss"

"I do not? "

"You look pale. You look.... Very pale and your eyes... They are sorrowful.... You look sad"

I touched my head. Am I even affected or does something inside of me over reacts to things?: the question I often ask myself.

"I must be looking horrible " I mumbled.

"No! " he detested loudly.

My eyes shot open.

"sorry" he quickly apologised.

Al-Shizad entered with a glass of water, Al-Hassan's mouth drop open in sync with mine.

"Don't look so surprised;it is for myself" he said and gulped down.

I laughed.

"You must leave Brother Al-Hassan, Brother calls for you in library " he said.

Al-Wais? Where is Al-Wais? A random thought sprouted in me.

I rolled out of the soft covers... Covers? There were no covers when I slept......

I looked at Al-Hassan with my eyes moving from the pits of the cover to him but I saw no expression that agreed that he was involved.


I opened the back door for Mrs Kasheefa as she brought in the new set of crockery. A tea set of white and gold with red bold flowers.

I was delighted to drink in the new cups. When I finished my tea, I tragically passed the garden in which Al-Souffian was speeding his bows and arrows aiming right at the bull's eye every single time with a lighting velocity.

I dare speak to him.

I retrieved from the kitchen again to the living area and placed the new tea cups.

I saw Al-Wais entering, I tucked in my hair strand.

Returned again to the kitchen.

The aroma of hot tea and mouth watering cookies dipped in chocolate.
I picked up the tray. I breathed in. Slowly. Do not look at him. I breathed out. It is easy. It is always easy. A sudden shattering decibal shook me.
I ran to the living area.

The new tea cups shattered to pieces. The tea splattered across the floor, golden stains on white floor.

Al-Souffian crushing the pieces of glass under his walk.

The servant were readily working to clean.

All of the other looked rather calm to the upsetting vision.

He should be mended.

Or he should be the one to mend the mess.

He is a mess.

I I looked at Al-Wais looking tired of this routine out bursts.

I shook my head and poured the tea in powder blue tea cups.

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