Chapter Fourty Seven

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AGrantJTM Collection presents


This story is only a fanfiction and none of these are true. It is base on   imagination and concepts that the author made for the readers, we hope   that you'll like it and leave us a good and nice feedback. Thank you and   Enjoy.


Mike's POV

I really can't accept the fact that everyone is lying to Rhian that's why I can't stand it.

During the welcoming celebration for Connor I decided to leave when I saw TJ left as well. Since I can't breathe properly in that house I decided to go to a bar where we always go and yjere I saw Batchi and Solenn waiting for me.

"You're late! . ." As Solenn said but I just grab her glass and drink it and that made her pissed off.

"What the heck Mike?! . . Drink your own drink! . . For pete's sake!"

"Sorry . . I'm just not in the mood . ." As I said and that made her calm down

I sat down on the chair acrossed her and next to Batchi, I called the waiter and ordered for a drink since I want to release my anger.

"Woah easy man . . Don't drink too fast . . Let's enjoy the day shall we? . ." As Batchi said and that made me calm in drinking

"You look like your mad at something Mike . . Why don't you tell it? . . Come on . . Spit it out"

I took a deep breathe first in having second thoughts if I'm going to say everything to them or not but upon realizing the danger that might come to them I decided to hid it.

"It's just some family stuffs and I just miss Sheena" as I lied to them and they just burst out in laughter

"I thought that it's a big problem"

"You should've told us that it's love problem, Batchi is expert in long distance relationship" and Solenn said in sarcastic and Batchi just reacted

"Why me?! . . Those days are in the past" and we all just laughed and toast our beers.

As I figured out that we arw already out of beers I decided to order another round but I can't see any waiter, so I decided to stood up and order ib the counter.

"1 more bucket please" as I said and the bartender gave me an approving sign.

As I waited for the bartender I noticed that there is someone with a nlack hoodie and a blaxk face mask looking at me simultaneously so I figured our that maybe he needs something.

So I walk towards that guy and sit down beside him and started talking without even looking.

"Are you following me?" As I asked nicely but the guy didn't talk back and just lift his beer to drink but I stopped him

"I'm asking you properly! . . Are you following me?! . ." As I began to be pissed of and he just laugh and it made me shocked that she's a girl.

"Who are you?! . ." As I asked and faced her and then she take off her face masked and gave me a smirk.

"Long time no see Mike . . Long time no see"

"Bianca? . . ." As I said and next thing I knew is someone hit me in the back and that made me lose my conscious.


Althea's POV

''Maybe I'm just ovethinking . . Maybe I should relax because sooner or later I will see them in person' as I said to myself

I was parked out the subdivision calming myself since I'm thinking about my actions. After calming myself I chose to do the thing that made me satisfy when I want to relax, the bar.

I found a parking space so I parked the car properly. As I turn off the engine of the car I began to notice that there's a big guy carrying another guy and a guy infront of him is wearing a face mask and a hoodie.

I was not gonna mind them but suddenly I saw the face of the guy who's been carried.

"Mike . ."

I saw them how they put Mike in their car and left the area. I decided to follow them since I'm getting suspicious on what's going on, and we end up in an old abandoned warehouse near in an old amusement park.

"What are they doing here? . . What the heck is going on? . ." As I ask to myself and I became aware when I saw them carry Mike out of the car.

I was about to get out of my car to keep my distance in seeing them but I got paralyzed at the moment when I saw who's the guy behind yhat hoodie.

'Bianca Lopez . . Bianca Lopez kidnapped Mike?! . . But why?! . .' As I asked

but in looking at the area I senses that I can just go in to sneak in because there are a lot of goons guarding that warehouse, so I decided to wait for a few hours since it's already getting dark. And when I saw that there's a quite probability in sneaking inside I grab the chance and carefully looked for Mike.

"Are you sure that he'll grab this opportunity?! We've been here for hours and yet he's not accepting it!" As I heard someone said and that made me hide for them not to see me

"Of course I'm sure about this Luis! . . You have to trust me in this! . ."

"I do trust you Biancs . . But you know them . . They are not gonna agree just that easily . . I know why you're doing all of this things, your just mad at Rhian's step brother for helping Glaiza in killing your Father . . And I only agreed in this plan since I want Rhian to be mine! . . But what curious me most is why we kidnapped Mike . . how can you be so sure that Mike is going to help us?! . ."

"Patience Luis. I have my own source. Mike and TJ are not in good terms because TJ lied to them about Glaiza's where about this past 2 years . . And now that Glaiza's death is confirmed they got mad at TJ because they couldn't believe that TJ knows everything about Glaiza . . It means TJ has been lying to them the whole time that he didn't know where Glaiza is . . And That's the reason why I used Mike to get what I want . . I want TJ to suffer everything since Glaiza is now dead . . And you'll have Rhian as you wanted" as Bianca laughed and what I heard made me cared for the Navutzkis and Howells.

'This is all my fault . . I created this mess and I should fix this! . .'

I carefully sneak out of the warehouse and start the car as soon as possible. I drive it back in the Gutierrez house but I didn't go out first since I'm still thinking about Bianca and Luis' plan

'What have I done? . . I am the reason why Bianca want to get her revenge . . How can I fix this? . . How?! . . I can't just go there and reveal myself . . People will only get in trouble if I do that! . . . Comeon Glaiza . . Think! . . Think! . .' As I said to myself and that made me come up in a better solution.

"I can't do anything as Glaiza . . . But I can protect them as Althea . . I can still be Althea Guevarra . ."


A/N: See I told you there are twist. Glaiza is not the one who's gonna do the revenge afterall she's going to be their protector or savior rather. But don't forget that there's a season 3 of this story. So of the end of season 2 will be Bianca's revenge then season 3's story will be . . . Secret Lol. I don't want to spoil all of you anymore. So just read and wait because everything will be perfect.

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