Chapter Fourty Six

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AGrantJTM Collection presents


This story is only a fanfiction and none of these are true. It is base on imagination and concepts that the author made for the readers, we hope that you'll like it and leave us a good and nice feedback. Thank you and Enjoy.


Richard's POV

'I have no choice . . And besides . . It's impossible for me to stop her . .'

I was left with Paul and the other servants in the house, and Althea just brought my Toyota Fortuner away.

To be honest, I wanted to stop her but I just couldn't since I know that she's back in her old self and because of worrying too much, I just called someone that can help me, a really close friend of ours.

"Hello who's this?" As the other line asked and I just introduced myself to her

"It's me Kat . . And I really need your help . ."

And after telling her what really happened she did instructed me to wait for her since we are going to talk about what Althea did. After a few minutes of waiting she then came with a worried expression in her face.

"She can't be seen by them! . . You know that we just released the statement that Glaiza De Castro is dead! . . If people saw her then that would make a lot of issues and confusions to the media and people . . Even though she has a new name now still we are not yet ready to release her as Althea Guevarra in the public! . ." As Kat exclaim and that just made me massage my head because this issue is giving me too much stress

"Then what do you want me to do Kat?! . . Lock her here?! . . You know I can't do that! . . You of all people know that we can't stop her! . . No matter what we do and no matter what efforts we try still we can't stop her! . . Because she is who she is! . ." As I complain knowing that the fact that Glaiza is unstoppable

"Then are you saying that we're going to let her do her revenge to them? . . Is that what you are implying Chard?! . ." Silence has overcome us since we have no choice, and that's the only decision that we can make.

"Mam, Sir, if I may speak . . Why don't you just let the Young Master to do what she wants? . ." as Paul break the silence and both of us just looked at him

"What are you talking about?" as Kat asked and that made me curious as well

"What I mean is . . let the Young Master do what she wants to do . . and just be there to stop her secretly . . Protect her in the things that she can do . ." As Paul said and what he said made us have an option.

'He's right . . we can stop Glaiza . . and we will stop her . .'



'Is that car what I think it is? . .'

my mind has conquered the thought of that familiar toyota fortuner outside the gate of Glaiza's mansion and I really can't stop thinking that maybe it is what I think it is.

As I keep on thinking about that car I didn't notice that they are already calling me until I came back in my senses when Papa approached me

"Are you okay Boy? . . You look so worried there . ." as Papa said and I just drop about the things that I'm thinking since I'm still not sure about it.

"Yes Papa . . I'm just thinking about something . . it's just pure business . ." as I lied and I join him inside the dining area with Kevin.

"So how's your deal with the Guevarra? They really want to help us huh?" as Papa asked when the three of us sat down in the chairs of the dining table

"To be honest she has a reason . ."

"So the person behind those Guevarras is a she?" as Kevin said, but instead of being happy in figuring out who the that mighty Guevarra is, I just can't stop myself to feel the guilt

"Is there something wrong Son? . . "

"The truth is . . I know the Guevarras . . . I mean we know them . ." as I said and both of their expressions are serious for a bit but turns into laughter after a minute.

"Is that a joke TJ? . . if that's I just I'm sure it's really funny" as Papa said but I just gave him a serious face that what I'm telling is true

"What are you talking about TJ? . . How come we know who the Guevarras are? . . They just appeared 2 years ago . . We tried knowing who they are but they are concrete in hiding themselves . . only you who knows them because they met you already!" As Kevin said and that really made my guilt burst out

"We know them okay?! . . . Because they are part of this family! . ."

"What do you mean part of this family?! . ." as Papa asked seriously and that made me told him the truth

"Chard is a Guevarra . . He's actually one of the owner of the Company . . . but he's not the head of it . . he is just the COO and the adviser of the CEO . ."

"Richard? . . Dr. Richard Gutierrez?! . . How come?! . . Is that the reason why Glaiza's tomb is in the states?! . . because of him?! . ." as Papa asked and I just nod

"So he have Glaiza . . all this time . . and he didn't even told us . . he just let Glaiza die . ."

"She's not dead Papa . ." and what I said made him looked at me with a shocking expression

"What are you talking about?! . . Did that Richard hid Glaiza for so long?! . . Is Glaiza alive?! . . Answer me TJ! . . Answer me! . ." as he exclaimed angrily and I can't blame him for being like this because he is the one who took care of G, when G's parents died. He became the second father of me and G.

"She's alive Papa . . She's alive . ."

"Then where is she?! . . I want to see her! . . I want to see Glaiza! . . ."

"She's not Glaiza anymore Papa . ."

"What are you talking about?! . . She didn't lost her memory didn't she?! . ."

Silence has overcome the area upon what he said and I know that he realized that what he said is the thing that happened to Glaiza

"She lost her memory . . ." as Papa whisper and he just sat down in the chair realizing what happened to G

"If she lost her memory and you guys lied about the article that she is dead . . then that means that G has a new identity . . right? . ." as Kevin asked and I just nod

"Then who is she? . . . Who is Glaiza now? . ."

I grab my phone in my pocket and open the lock of it then gave them my phone for them to see who Glaiza is right now.

"That's Glaiza . . . or shall I say . . Althea Guevarra . . ."


A/N: I'm not late in the update right? There might be typo errors and spacing errors since I haven't fixed this, but i just want to update as fast as i can since I know how hard it is to be patient in waiting for an update. So I hope you enjoy this, I'll update tomorrow.

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