Chapter 4

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"Oh my-"

"THAT'S TRISTAN EVANS!" Shouted Mary, rudely interrupting Grace, but nobody cared - we were sat across the room from one fourth of The Vamps.

"Shhhh," I quitened her, placing my finger on my lips to signal that she needs to shut up before he see's her fangirling. "We have to play this cool.."

I must admit, my inner fangirl was freaking out, but I had to stay calm. There is no way Tristan could see me in that state, it'd be humiliating. No, we all had to stay calm and collected.

"How do we do that?" Lacey asked, never taking her eyes off of Tristans table.

That was the question we were all wondering, but none of us answered for a good few moments. The first to break the silence was Mary, who seemed to have calmed down considerably. "Perhaps we should ask for a picture? There's no harm in asking.."

"That's true. We could also write our twitter names on this napkin." Mentioned Grace, who waved the white napkin around with a huge grin on her face.

"OK, I'm on it." I say as I take a pen from Grace's grasp and scribble our names down.

A few minutes after discussing and arguing which of us will be the one to ask him, I decide to step up to the challenge. "I'll do it," I offer, "But you guys have to promise that you won't freak out."

They all nod and smile thankfully, and I stand up to begin walking over. As I do so, Tristan turns around off of his chair, towards the drinks machine. Perfect. "Tris?" I ask, immediately regretting my choice of addressing him. Why did I call him Tris? That's the name only his band mates and friends call him, and I am niether. 

This caught his attention though, and for the second time this evening his eyes catch mine. "Hey, can I help you?" He replies in the voice I had only heard on the radio as he turned to face us all. The lack of an accent makes him appear 'posh', and I must admit it's wonderful. This, accompanied by a wide smile, makes me suddenly feel more confident and comfortable, and causes me to smile back.

"Um, yeah, thanks. Could me and my," I pause to look back and show him my friends, who were all silenced due to what I can only assume as shock, "get a picture with you please? If it's not too much hassle of course!" 

"Haha, sure! Who's first?" He asked in a surprisingly upbeat way. 

"Guys?" I asked, looking behind me. The surprised faces reflected how I felt on the inside, yet for some reason confidence had overidden the fear. I figured, as I was the only one with my iPod ready in my hands, that I'd be the photogropher. "Go on then." I said, lifting the iPod to show them my position. 

"Yeah, ok.."

After another minute, their pictures had been taken and the mood had changed from slightly tense to relaxed. Just as we were about to thank him and part our ways, Tristan asked, facing me, "What about you?" The sudden eye contact caused me to smile like an idiot, and I could feel my cheeks reddening by the second. Without saying a word, I handed Mary my iPod and resumed my space next to Tris.

As soon as I did so, he pulled me in closer. His hand was resting on the small of my back, and I liked how it felt. The warmth from his palm warmed my whole body; a feeling I'd never felt before. "Come closer, don't be silly." He said so quietly that I coud only just make out the words. Again, the warmth of his words made my hairs on my neck stand on end, and again I loved how it felt. I smiled as best I could, as the flash of the camera went off.

"Thank you." I said as I walked back to my friends.

"You're very welcome." Tristan replied. It seemed as if the smile had never left his face.

I could hear my friends walking out of the restaraunt, giggling and chatting excitedly about 'who was closest to Tris' and 'who will marry him first', and as I went to follow them I felt a hand on my wrist. "Hey." A familiar voice called. "I never caught your name."

Is this Tristan Evans, asking for my name? I looked around, and must admit I had to blink a few times to ensure I wasn't dreaming. "Alice." I just about said. This time it was my turn to smile and look down, as I could feel my cheeks burn with joy. 

"Well, me and the lads really appreciate all your support. Thank you. See you around." He said, before shaking my hand and smiling once more. I smiled in response, yet as he let go of my hand and walked away I looked into my palm. There was the white napkin Grace must have remembered to give him only moments before. It was scrunched up in a ball, so I couldn't see our twitter names, yet I knew his game. He just asked my name so I'd hang around and give him the opportunity to give me my napkin back. The things people say about famous people were true; they really are ignorant.

I turned around and walk out of Nandos' double doors, making sure that I don't give Tristan Evans the satisfaction of seeing how upset he has made me. I shove the balled up napkin into my bag and pick up my pace to catch up with my friends, confused with the mixed emotions racing round my mind.

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