Chapter 22

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It took a few moments for them to even notice my presence. Connor was first to raise his eyes, and Grace shortly followed, both looking like rabbits caught in the headlights. There was a quick movement, as Connor Ball moved his hand from where it must have been resting on Grace's leg.

"What.." Words couldn't form in my mouth, as I stood practically open mouthed at what I saw. 

"Please don't tell Han." Connor was quick to add, and his eyes pleaded with mine to keep his secret safe. I looked to Grace, who seemed to wear the same look. What was she thinking? 

Hannah hadn't ever been anything but welcoming to us girls since we entered their group earlier, and as far as we can remember Connor and Han's relationship had been one to be jealous of in the fandom from the beginning. She seemed so genuine and nice.. What would cause him to be so unhappy that he had to make out with my one of my best friends in a room so close to his current girlfriend?

Of course, I knew the answer. Grace. Grace was not only beautiful, but funny and kind. If it was easy to fall in love with her as a friend, I can't imagine how easy it would be for a guy to fall in love with her as more than that.

Connor spoke again, breaking my chain of thought. "Please, Alice?" At this he stood, and walked over to stand in front of me. This was the first time I had stood this close to him before, only ever seeing him this close on TV or through a computer screen. As with the others, he was just as cute and good looking as he came across through them; his green eyes, perfect teeth and light brown/blonde hair formed nicely into a 'I just woke up but didn't because it took me 30 minutes to get my hair like this' way.

However, I looked behind him to Grace. She was still looking me in the eye, and her head gave a slight nod of encouragement. I then looked back at Con, who's eyes were now planted on the ground, his hand running through his hair, his teeth biting down nervously on his bottom lip.

"O.K." I said, though my heart wasn't behind it. He looked back up at me, his green eyes searching mine for conformation. I gave him the same nod that Grace gave me earlier, and with that his shoulders relaxed and his lips grew into a smile.

"Thank you!" He said, pulling me into a hug. I stood there without time to react, before he let go and walked over to Grace. His hand met her hair, and he pushed a loose strand behind her ear. "I'll see you when I see you, then?" 

Grace smiled and nodded, and then watched as Connor turned his back and walked out of the room. He turned around once quickly, gave a small wave and closed the door behind him. 

I sat down next to Grace.

"Thank you.." She began, though it appeared she didn't know where to go from there. I wasn't used to seeing Grace like this at all - Grace was the funny one in our group, and I'm almost sure her catchphrase would have to be "IDC" (I Don't Care) if she had one. She was always the one to cheer us up, always the one to stay chilled in any kind of situation.. It is her sudden change of character that makes me realise that what she is feeling is real.

"It's fine, though you should know I did that for you and not him." I gave her a smile, and it was thankfully returned. "I don't have a problem with you two being a thing at all, of course not, but I just don't understand why you couldn't have waited until he had the chance to end it with Hannah?"

"I don't know what happened.. I got sick of the party in there," she pointed in the direction to the room the rest of the guys were occupying at the end of the hall, "and so I went in search of a quieter place. That's when I found this room, with Connor on the sofa."

I listened intently as her story unravelled; how she shared a heart-to-heart with Con, how they joked and laughed.. they were a perfect match. 

"And then it just happened. We just.. kissed. It wasn't much, only that, but it was enough for us to know that he wasn't happy with Hannah anymore and that I truly did like him for him, and not for being in a band or whatever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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