Chapter 15

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A knock on my bedroom door made me look up from my revision books. "Come in." I said unenthusiastically, as I knew who it was.

Just as I had predicted, my sister stood in my doorway, shutting the door behind her and making her way over to sit on the edge of my bed. She was in her casual wear, with black leggings covering her legs to her ankles and a purple spotted dress ending just above her knee. Her figure makes me so envious - she may be 12, but she already has bigger boobs than I do! Also, her skin is tanned all year round and so soft.. Jealousy doesn't even describe it, as I scan my pale white skin. As my eyes rose to meet hers, I noticed how her nearly-afro curly hair framed her face nicely, and her oriental eyes shone green in the light.

I already knew what she wanted to say.

"Alice," Hannah began, an inquistive look entering her eyes. "I know you weren't at revision tonight." Damn. How can she be so clever?

I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my chemistry book, pretending to be way more interested in it than I actually was. How did she know? Admittedly, she had been giving me quizzical looks over dinner earlier, but I put that down to the smile that she probably wasn't used to seeing plastered on my face. I resorted to asking what she was on about. If I was going to lie, I was going to have to do it properly.

"You may have mum and dad convinced, but that's only 'cos they don't have twitter or instagram."

What does that mean? I can't let her see the confusion on my face, so I lift my eyebrows and relax them again, never looking up from my book. At my response, Hannah got up and started for the door. But she wasn't finished yet. "Wait there, I'll be back in a sec." And with that, she left.

I stood up from my bed, but soon sat down again as pins and needles spread upwards from the foot I had been sat on. I rubbed the tingling spot before standing again, walking with a slight hobble towards my desk where my phone sat. I had a few messages from Mary, Lacey and Grace. I took it over to my bed where I sat down once again.

"OK," Hannah said, re-entering my room and preventing me from reading my messages. "Here is my evidence." On the word here, she handed me her phone, and I replaced my one that I was already holding with hers. On the screen was her twitter feed, showing a few tweets from people she followed. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I was just about to laugh sarcastically when it caught in my throat. Hannah had just scrolled downwards, releasing the newest tweets. There, on the screen in front of me.. was me.

Well, to be more precise, there was a collection of pictures. The first I opened was of me looking down at the ground, looking like I wished it would swallow me up, as Tristan stands next to me doing the same. As I continued to scroll through the tweets, it was like reliving this afternoon. The pictures were almost taken one after the other, so they looked like a motion-moving picture.

My hands began to shake as the comments made alongside the photos became visible.

'Who is this girl with tris!?!?! #secretgirlfriend?????'

'wow she's so pretty omg #perfcouple'

'why are u all hating? she looks perfect with tris'

The majority of them were quite nice comments, and a smile would have spread across my face if it weren't for the negative ones making me feel physically sick.

'get ur hands off of tris #myboyf'

'omg why would he date someone so ugly.'

"Alice..?" Hannah asked. I looked up to see her face contorted with desperation. She must have been calling me for sometime, but I was too shocked by what I saw in front of me to reply. My mouth opened, but no words came out. I looked back down to the screen below me. The page had refreshed since, but there was still three or four people posting tweets questioning this afternoon's events.

Hannah snatched the phone from my grasp, locking it. I continued to stare at the space that the phone was just resting in, my brain still trying to process what was going on. "I'm sorry.." Was all I could make out, before tears sprung to my eyes. "I didn't mean to lie. I can explain everything.."

I told Hannah the whole story, from beginning to end. By the time I had finished, the tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. The whole time however, Hannah's facial expression never changed. She just looked at me, her eyes never leaving mine, watching my hand gestures intently and understanding every word.

That's what I loved about Hannah; she never judged.

Instead, as soon as the final words tumbled from my mouth, she leant over and hugged me. Her hair tickled my chin, and I normally hate that, but now I just ignored it. Her support made all of the negativity from twitter fade away into nothingness, and it was nice to feel loved. For the second time today..

As Hannah let go of me, she sat by my side. "Look, don't let haters get you down." I laughed at how cliché it all was, finally letting a tear roll down my cheeks. That made her smile too. "If Tris makes you happy, which it certainly sounds like he does, that's the main thing! Anddddd you had an awesome day right? Even minus the kiss.."

I hit her arm, gently, but she reacted back like I had brutally attacked her. This made us both laugh, and the smiles stuck. "Thank you." I said, meaning it from the bottom of my heart.

"That's fine! And don't worry - I won't tell mum and dad." I smile at her as she got up to leave once again, squeezing my arm in the process. I was so confused, but now my mind was clear. I had to ignore everything else and just get on with it.

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