Chapter 8

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The slam of the front door woke me up. It took me a few moments to realise that I must have fallen asleep, and so I leaned over to my phone to see what time it was. It read 19:57pm, and so I can't have been asleep for too long. The time also told me that it must have been my mum walking in through the door, and that meant that tea was going to be ready soon. I called down to her, letting her know I was in too, and she shouted back confirming my thoughts of food.

I screwed my eyes up tight and rubbed them, trying to wake myself up. After a little while I managed to sit upright on the edge of my bed, grabbed a hairband from my bed-side table and put my hair into a (very) messy bun. I then slowly walked over to where I had thrown my Converse box and sat beside it, opening the box and reminding myself of the beautiful purchase I had made previously that day. I removed the new shoes and put them alongside my other pairs, and put the box at the bottom of my wardrobe. After doing this, and yawning in the process, I stood up and headed down stairs.


Returning to my room, with my stomach full and both parents happily watching TV in the living room. I took my phone and placed it on my desk, next to my revision books and pens. Just as I sat down, my phone buzzed; a new message from Tristan. I couldn't help but feel myself grinning as I opened the text, unsure as to what it would say. 

Guess who's back? ;) Listen, fancy maybe meeting up sometime? Me and the lads are off on a break for a few days, starting tomorrow, and I thought you might want to take that time to redeem yourself after last time ;) Get back to me soon Xx 

His cheekiness got to me and increased this smile even further, and the fact that he texted me first gave me butterflies. This inner excitement stopped, however, as soon as I realised I had no idea what I wanted  to reply. My fingers hovered over the keys, prepared to type, but nothing was actually appearing on the screen. After many moments, I decided to text Mary instead. I needed my best friends advice, and knew that she'd be very happy to give it. I composed my text and sent it.

Hey chummy! i texted tris, we spoke for ages earlier until he had to leave for band practice. but he basically just texted me asking me out sometime in the next few days, but i have college and revision and stuff but he's beautiful and asked me out and HELP. text back asap love you xo 

After sending it, I just sat there. I picked up one of my pens and twiddled it in between my fingers. The text back was almost instantaneous, as I was expecting, and it told me exactly what to do.


I replied to say thank you, and started on my text to Tris. I told him that I hoped practice went well, and the boys are OK. I also told him that a chance to redeem myself was exactly what I needed and sounded perfect, just give me a day and I'd be there. I added two kisses, which seemed normal with him now, and sent it. I also forwarded it to Mary, just so she could tell me if it was OK, and set my phone to the side.

I opened my biology book and began to scribble things down onto revision cards, trying to maintain the information. Trying, and failing. I looked at my iPod screen to see what the time was. Seven minutes had passed since I sent Tristan the text.. Had I left it too long? I put my iPod down again, and resumed my revision.

*buzzzzz-* As soon as I felt the vibration through my desk I picked up my phone with one swooping action, excited to see the message. I was thrilled to see Tristans name on the screen, and unlocked it. 

OK, is thursday good? send me your address and i'll be there at 11am. Xx 

After staring at the words on my screen, I typed out my reply; of course that was fine! I said goodnight as I needed an early one for school tomorrow, and got changed into my pyjamas. I climbed into bed, put my phone on charge and placed my headphones in my ears. My head filled with thoughts of telling Mary, and keeping this whole thing a secret from the rest of the world. As I drifted off to sleep, the lyrics of one of my favourite songs played their final lyrics through the speakers in my ears..

"Dear diary, want to make a new entry

Oh you wouldn't believe me, what big happened today..."

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