Chapter 14

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After ten minutes or so, Tristan emerged and stood next to the car beside me. I heard the click of the doors unlocking, and saw Tristan open the car door for me. I slid right in, placing my bag at my feet. I sighed as he shut the door behind me, and watched him as he walked round the front of the car. As far as I could tell, his face didn't show any emotion.

Just like I had moments before, he sighed as he sat down in the drivers seat next to me, shutting the door behind him. For what felt like eternity we just sat there, staring out at the car parked in front of us, until he decided to break the silence. "Look," Tristan began, and judging by his tone I wasn't going to enjoy this conversation. "I'm sorry about that.. I didn't think. They only knew we were here because of the picture I posted on Instagram. I'm sorry.."

He looked down into his hands, his eyes that were once filled with happiness now filled with something less so.. Before I could register what I was doing, my hand took his. He looked up, a spark in his eyes. 

"It's OK." I said, feeling his thumb rub comforting circles over the back of my hand. "It's fine. Let's not let that ruin a perfect day, shall we?" I smiled, squeezing his hand before letting go to do up my seatbelt.

"Thank you." He mirrored my action, doing his seatbelt up, and started the engine. There was no radio on this time, and as we pulled out of the car park I realised how tired I really was. My feet ached from the constant walking, and my eyes felt heavy.

"You ok?" He asked, and I couldn't manage to strike the energy to turn my head to face him instead of gazing out of the window.

"Mmm." Is all I could manage. I felt a hand place itself on the lower part of my thigh, just above my knee, and a thumb was comfortingly rubbed back and fortht. As the constant drone of the engine kicked in, my eyes grew to heavy to hold open. As I breathed in the scent surrounding me, I felt comfortable and safe, protected and warm. 


I was awoken by a break in the rhythm of the car. It took me a while to remember where I was and what had happened today, but when it all came flooding back, so did the smile that had been placed on my face practically permenantly all day. I sat up in the chair, stretching my back as best I could, and looked over to the drivers seat.

"Hey, you." A familiar face smiled down at me, almost whispering his words. "We've reached your house."

I looked out of the window, to see the sun setting behind my home's roof. Tristan had parked just along from my house, which was lucky as that meant my parents wouldn't be likely to see his car. I turned back to face Tris, who was looking down at his watch. "What time is it?" I asked, undoing my buckle and pulling my bag to my lap.

His eyes ran over my actions, and he quickly unbuckled too. "5:45pm. Is that OK?" He asked, fear emerging in his features.

"Yeah!" I laughed, "Don't be stupid. It's perfect, just as this day has been." I immediately wanted the ground to swallow me whole. Why would you say something so cheesy.. 

"I'm glad you agree." He smirked, before climbing out of the car. For the second time today I watched him walk round the front of the car, as he opened my door. I climbed out, thanking him as I did so, and stood to watch him shut it. 

My heart started thumping as the realisation that I had no idea what happens next sunk in. I continued to watch Tristan, as he turned around to face me. He smiled, first looking at me, then looking at the floor, then back at me again. I looked at the floor, before his hand lifted my chin up.

"Thank you for a wonderful day." I said, holding my bag with both hands in front of me.

"Thank you for coming, and for dealing with those girls back there." At that we both laughed, remembering how weird the whole scenario was. "It was fun though."

"That it was!" I moved my bag onto my shoulder. I wasn't sure whether I wanted something to happen or not, and all of these silences in between actions and words didn't help. "Night, then."

Tristan drew his hands out of his pockets and placed them on my cheeks, just as he had done in the aquarium.  

"I'd better go." I said, glancing over the gravel that signalled the start of my driveway. I was suddenly wary of my inexperience with these situations, and the fact that I was due home any minute was playing on my mind.

"Okkkkkk." Tris pouted, before planting a warm kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you so much for today!" I smiled, detangling my arms from his. He kissed my temple before leaning back against his car. "Text me to let me know you're home safe, yeah?"

"I will," he said, a gleam in his eye, "don't you worry."

I made a face at him and he made one back. I turned my back to him, starting up my driveway, already missing the protection I felt in his presence. The evening was cold and after I was sure Tristan couldn't see me anymore, I picked up my pace to get to my door and feel the warmth inside. 

As I opened my front door, I took a deep breath. Lying to my parents was going to be hard, but it had to be done. And after all, it was worth it anyway. "I'm home!" I called out as I began up the stairs.

"Was revision alright love?" My fathers voice called from the living room. My heart started beating fast, and I could only manage a weak 'yes thanks' before running up the rest of the staircase.

Shutting my bedroom door behind me, I was happy I had successfully avoided any futher questions or confrontation with my mum, dad or sister.  I kicked off my shoes and chucked my bag onto the floor. I practically fell onto my bed. As I did so, a relieved laugh came from my mouth; one that I didn't recognise. It was fuelled by pure happiness and content, relief and tiredness, and I realised that was the reason I hadn't recognised it was because of what fuelled it. I am finally truly happy.

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