Chapter 6

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I sighed and rolled my eyes. This obviously wasn't the reaction Mary wanted, and it didn't reflect how I was feeling inside, but it's what I felt best to do. I had gotten my hopes up last night, only to hours later feel deflated and more down than I'd ever been before. That rollercoaster of emotion was enough to last me a lifetime, yet now my hopes were raising up again; and I didn't like it.

"Did you not just hear me?" I could see the desperation in Mary's eyes, the deflation that I'd caused her and I knew I had to explain.

"Look," I started, still not sure how to continue on. I looked at my iPod screen that still rested in my hand, hoping that it would give me some inspiration or put words in my mouth. It did neither. 

"I know you're upset from last night, but doesn't this prove something?" After this failed to receive an answer, she leaned over to me, grabbed my chin and made my head nod. "Yes, it does. It proves that Tristan does actually care, and knows we exist! He didn't just use you as a paying fan, he actually went through the effort of following you!"

"Yeah, I guess.." I still wasn't convinced, but seeing Mary trying to cheer me up actually made it succeed.

"OK. I can see you aren't totally happy yet. Sooooo, seeing as we have a day off college, why don't I take you shopping? We can look around, get something to eat, go to the cinema.. It'll be cute! Yeah?" I nodded in agreement, heading over to my makeup table. Above it was a mirror, and I looked into it to adjust my hair. Perhaps I did have it all wrong last night.. It would seem this was proof enough that that was true.

Mary turned the TV back on, told me that I have ten minutes to get my hair and make-up sorted and sat back on my bed excitedly informing her friends on Facebook of her recent famous encounter. 


With my hair successfully sorted, and my makeup basically completed, I needed to apply some perfume to 'complete the look,' as it were. The problem was, however, that I couldn't find it. "Mary, can you look in my bag to see if my perfume bottle is in there please?" I asked, rummaging through my makeup drawer.

"Sure!" She replied as I heard her move from my bed to my wardrobe. She picked up my bag and put it on the edge of my desk. After a few attempts at fishing anything out, she couldn't find it. 

"Just empty it out on my bed, it's fine!" I instructed as I applied a final touch of mascara. 

I looked in the reflection of my mirror to see Mary emptying the contents of my bag onto my bed covers, scattering it with various items; a scarf, my purse, a mirror, a stray makeup bag.. I turned back to put my mascara back in my drawer.

"Got it!" Mary finally said, throwing me my perfume. I sprayed it on my neck and wrists. "Ready?" She asked, handing me my newly packed bag and a jacket, wearing an unusually wide grin. I nodded in reply, putting her happiness down to the recent follow, and continued to look forward to the day ahead.


Tucking into my margherita pizza and talking with my friend was the best way to end such a strange day. I had also managed to buy myself a new pair of converse, and Mary bought some new drawing pads to add to her ever-growing collection. She was such a talented artist. Her drawings were so beautiful and looked so like the real thing that everyone tries to convince her to sell them on, though she's not so convinced.

As we both finish up, and without a word being said, Mary passed me a screwed up napkin. "What's this?" I asked, fascinated by this weird gesture.

"Open it." She replied, with the big grin making a reappearance from earlier.

I did what I was told, occasionally looking up to see Mary's facial expressions whilst I did so. She was just staring, intrigued and wide-eyed. As I flattened the napkin out, writing became visible inside. "What is th.." I began, though the written words soon answered my question.

There, in front of me, was a mobile phone number, written above the signiture of Tristans name.

This meant that the napkin he gave me before I stormed out teary eyed last night wasn't in fact the napkin Grace gave him minutes before; it was his number he must have scrawled down after we first made eye contact. "How long was this going to go unnoticed, huh?" Mary asked, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Honestly, I can expl-" 

"Don't be stupid, I'm not annoyed that you didn't tell me!" That was a relief, and it seemed it was my turn to smile. "I'm just glad you asked me to empty your bag, else we never would have found it!" This of course was true. Without asking Mary to empty my bag, that napkin would have stayed forgotton about for months, then God knows what would have happened..

"Soooooooo.." She began, her fingers drumming on the table and a new gleam in her green eyes. "When are you going to call?"

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